This photo doesn't belong to the Spanish Civil War. This is from the "Revolucion de Octubre de 1934", which was a Leftist Coup Against the Spanish Republic, supported by Socialist and Communists which lost the elections of 1933, joined by Catalan Local Gov.
Spanish Civil war history is a very complex issue. "History" has been "built" and while one side has been whitewashed and portrayed as a democracy assaulted by fascism, the other has been vilified as another Nazi state due to being close to the axis during WW2.
The issue is far more complicated, the republic became a Socialist/Communist state, which with the past of the months became a Stalinist one. The Nationalists were a coalition of reactionary forces, conservatives/Ancient Regime Radicals(Carlists)/Monarchists and Military.
Most Historians who know a damn about the war, come to the conclusion that the only reason why the Nationalist became victorious was because the Triumph of the communist side during the Russian Civil War. Lots of people in government positions in London and US regretted not supporting the Whites during that war, and decided that this time they would. Curiously at the beginning of the war, before the "Nationalists" became the official name for the Rebellious forces, they were referred in the press as the "Whites".
Also, little is known that Nationalist side received strong support from both US and UK, apart from the very well known they received from Italy and Germany.
Some food for thought for anyone interested into such a complicated issue. If any you decide to study this war further is better to look for several sources, as some are very biased towards one side or the other. Due to this "History Building Battle" its very complicated to get a precise picture of that period. Normally you have to read all the information available on any incident as it is usually portrayed in one extreme and the opposite,(even if it doesn't make any sense due to things that only locals would know). At times it comes to the ridiculous reports of documented executions on the rearguard in 1936, attributed to a side that never hold that ground or which didn't reach the place until 3 years later.
Sorry for the OT
Great thread you have going by the way.
I will keep commenting on the photos, if I can share some info on them, or correct inaccuracies.
Keep em coming Bravo Zulu