Please be very careful about using images from other websites.
Our rules state that if you have permission to use the images you should state that fact and provide proper credit to the owner.
In this case you have not done so and also have hotlinked the images from websites without any clarification that they accept that action.
I have emailed the relevant websites to see where they stand with the usage/hotlinks so for now they can stay where they are.
It is very important to obtain permission or copyright will be breached. Some websites including ours are happy for the images to be shared (MI.Net included)
We really appreciate your contributions but care should be taken when posting the work of others.
We are a non commercial community interested only in the discussion of all things military.
We do not sell or authorise the use of images hosted on our servers, if you wish to purchase or use imagery contact the uploader directly.(you will need to register). Any requests received to purchase or use imagery will be ignored. Thank you and welcome to MI.Net
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All the best admin - MI.Net
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