They are balls deep in Russian territory, this is beyond a PR stunt. This is just a death knell to the Russian integrity as a superpower. However, I am awaiting the next boot to drop as it seems like an invasion and holding territory would be something else, operational and at enormous cost.
Aside from forcing Russians out in teh open and as a bargaining chip should Trump win, could it be a a Thunder Run into Kursk then, pull back and burn the entire place ala Gulf War. Regroup consolidate and then go for another province, type of operation? Would keep the Russian on their toes and destroy civilian morale if all the infrastructure are razed.
Oh and another interesting thing to note, is the 2024/25 winter forecast is a "La Nina" setting in... if the Russians cant kick out the Ukrainians in the Kursk Area, that would be a sticky situation for the Ruskies,