Hat ein chinesisches Unternehmen mit gefälschten Klimaprojekten mehr als eine Milliarde Euro eingenommen? Darauf deuten Recherchen des DW-Investigativteams gemeinsam mit "ZDF Frontal" hin.
My personal opinion how dumb can you be? And all this certificate trade is a scam per se.
People are making huge money with trading this stuff.
Instead of for example taxing products which are not produced eco friendly.
Offenbar pflegt ein mutmaßlicher chinesischer Spion Verbindungen zu Prinz Andrew. Ein Londoner Richter hat dem Geschäftsmann die Einreise verboten. Der Fall sei „äußerst peinlich“, heißt es aus der britischen Politik.
Die chinesische Regierung will dem Preisverfall für Solarmodule entgegenwirken. Laut einem Zeitungsbericht haben sich Unternehmen zu einem Kartell zusammengeschlossen – nach dem Vorbild der Opec.
I have an other idea let them keep their production at home as they won't adhere to market rules so they get kicked out and can apply their cartels to themselves at home.
In Pakistan they were already two attacks on Chinese workers.
They always bring their own workers for example so its a China win situation and not their scam of win-win which is so abstruse don't know how anyone could have ever believed that.
They leave plundered lands with no future prospect.
All this talk about Africa profiting is pure propaganda.
Visit Africa yourself and you'll find out pretty soon how liked the Chinese are over there.
China's head of mission to the EU, Cai Run, has called for friendship between EU and China against a turbulent geopolitical backdrop, trade disputes and with Donald Trump poised to begin his second term as US president. #EuropeNews
Only our bought dummies still think of continuing "cooperation" and "globalisation" which solely closed the tech gap for the backwards communists.
And increased their accaunts.
An example:
He us now in the supervisory board of Mercedes Benz. Which shifted its IC engine production to a country which fines ICE heavily and say were doomed here at the same time.
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