Italian Navy frigate “Federico Martinengo” (F596) and Royal Navy of Oman’s Al Shamikh Q40
Taranto Naval Station, which in 2004 became the main military base of both MMI and NATO forces in the city, seen in the background with the former Arsenal.
From left to right: Gorgona-class transport ship, three Bergamini-class frigates, carrier Cavour (C550) and Garibaldi (C551), Minerva-class corvette, Andrea Doria-class destroyer, Maestrale-class frigate, Durand de la Penne-class destroyer, Ninfe-class research vessel, training ship Palinuro, plus a lot of tugs

Destroyer Durand de la Penne and training ship Amerigo Vespucci

The second PPA, Francesco Morosini (P 431), seen from the bow. Launch ceremony is scheduled for the next month

Training ships Palinuro and Amerigo Vespucci

GP-FREMM Emilio Bianchi (F 589), 10th Italian FREMM, launched 4 days ago
Destroyer Francesco Mimbelli (D561). Behind her is Libeccio (F 572), a Maestrale-class frigate, and in the background are two San Giorgio-class LPDs - it looks like San Marco (L 9893) on the left, so San Giorgio (L 9892) must be on the right.
If only the previous administration didn't butchered/discontinued in the last minute our plans to buy 2 ex-Maestrale class plus around a hundred M113s and 155mm artys. The deal was almost complete and expectations was high from both sides until our govt STOPPED the deal in the last hour. AFAIK, even today the Italian government is still pissed off with the Philippine govt and military. So sad, we could have operated 2 Maestrales right now plus one additional per plan. Deymmm
Paracadutisti della Folgore si lanciano da un C-130 Hercules


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