Other Post Historic Jet Crashed

John A Silkstone

Mi General
MI.Net Member
Jul 11, 2004
Pilot crashes historic jet into hedge

Two pilots had a lucky escape and were recovering with minor injuries on Monday after they crashed this historic military jet into a hedge

Strikemaster: A spokesman for the Hunter Flying Club, which keeps a number of historic aircraft at Exeter Airport, said they could not comment until an investigation had been completed

The pair lost power in the BAC Strikemaster at around 2,000ft and made an emergency landing in a field near Tiverton, Devon.

They crashed the plane - one of only twelve in existence - after taking off from nearby Exeter Airport on Sunday afternoon.

A spokesman for Devon and Somerset Fire Service said "The two people in the plane were taken away very early but they were walking around with apparently no injuries. They were very lucky.

"One of the wings is snapped and that is where the fuel supply is. Because of that we put up a 200-metre exclusion zone to keep the crews safe."

A spokesman for the Hunter Flying Club, which keeps a number of historic aircraft at Exeter Airport, said they could not comment until an investigation had been completed.

The BAC 167 Strikemaster was a British jet-powered training and light attack aircraft. It was first flown in 1967 and a total of 146 were built.