Photos Random Historic Photos


Mi Colonel
MI.Net Member
Mar 10, 2018
Hi everyone !

I am starting this thread to post some random historic photos you found interesting or educational et. all. Hope someone did not act before than me for this. I have checked most of the topics but have not found a proper one serves in that category...

So here I start with some local photos from my country:

Istanbul Academy of Fine Arts, 1934.


Photo of a taxi station of my hometown (Bornova) in 1972. 1964 Chevy Impala and 1972 Murat 124 AKA "Sparrow" (Fiat 124 model produced by Turkish motor company named Otosan) parked side by side. Its a good example to see the strong characteristical differences between European and US cars back in those days.


Acıbadem bridge (the 1970's) Istanbul. (from: @instanlook)


Naim Suleymanoglu, Turkish world and Olympic Champion in weighlifting who was nicknamed “The Pocket Hercules” guarded by Turkish Directorate of National Intelligence officers during his defection process to Turkey from Bulgaria in 1986

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Thank you Bombardier !

Some more pics from my archives:

Cabin crew of the Turkish Airlines (THY) during promo shots. Late 1960s.


First DC-9 of the THY with some of her crew. 1970

Dc-9 (1974)-2.jpg

A captured spy during the Istanbul March 31 riots against the Ottoman constutituonal reform of 1909.


Turkish sportmen saluting the Hitler during 1936 Summer Olympics of Berlin. Accourding to the photo source Turkey was one of the 7 nations inc. France who performed "sieg heil" during the parade as a gesture to Hitler.

Irkçılık-Sporundan-818x466 (1).jpg

Pope II Jean Paul boarding a Turkish AB205 helicopter during his first visit to Turkey in 1979.


British PM Sir Winston Churchill talking to his Turkish counterpart Ismet Inonu in a train wagon during his Adana meetings of Turkey in 1943. Accourding to records he asked Inonu as "Don't you hear the gun sounds coming right across to your border ?" with referring Nazi occupied Greece and Bulgaria. He replied by Inonu as "Don't you Know ? I was a gunner in my military carreer. Therefore my ears can't hear that well."

Türkiye Cumhurbaşkanı İsmet İnönü ile İngiltere Başbakanı Winston Churchill'in Adana'daki bulu...jpg
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The birthplace of General-secretary Zhivkov was some sheep breeding community in a mountain village called Pravets. In the 70's he build the Hemus motorway just to connect this place with the capital.




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