Photos US and South Korean Forces

An M16 Half-track in 1951. These were equipped with quad .50 caliber M2 Browning machine guns in an M45 Quadmount.
27th Infantry "Wolfhounds" advance past dead Chinese soldier, south of Seoul during Task Force 'Punch', February 1951.
An M46 Patton tank passing through the village of Kumko, Korea, in September 1950.
Douglas B-26s Invaders over North Korea, October 18, 1951.
Bob Hope sits with men of X Corps, as members of his troupe enterain at Womsan, Korea. 26 October 1950.
F-86 Sabre fighters from the 51st Fighter Interceptor Wing Checkertails are readied for combat at Suwon Air Base, South Korea.
ROK Marines move toward the Han River from the Kimpo air strip aboard DUKWs of the 1st Marine Div., in offensive launched by UN forces against the North Korean enemy forces in that area. 20 September, 1950.
US soldiers prepare to advance along the Han River area, Korea, in their M4A3E8 Sherman tank during offensive launched by the 5th RCT against the Chinese forces in that area. 18 February 1951.

L-R: Cpl John T. Clark (union, SC); Cpl James E. Kishbough (Nescopeck, PA); Sgt Frank C. Allen (Etiwanda, CA); Sgt Theodore R. Liberty (Bushton, MA); and Cpl William J. Bohmback (Boston, MA)
Soldier of the 21st Infantry Regiment, 24th Division, captured and executed by North Korean forces, 1950.
M46 tanks of the US Army 6th Tank Batallion in Yangpyeong County, South Korea
Two South Korean Army officers observe North Korean activity across the 38th Parallel from a mountaintop about a month before the North’s invasion. May 1950.
7th Marine Regiment engaging Chinese forces on a ridge near the Chosin Reservoir. 6 December 1950
An AD-4 Skyraider of attack squadron VA-195 Dambusters is seen taking off from the aircraft carrier USS Princeton (CV-37) Circa 1950-1952.
"Sexy Sally," an F-51D-20-NA Mustang of the U.S. Fifth Air Force's 39th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, 18th Fighter Bomber Wing releases two napalm bombs over industrial military target in North Korea, in 1951. This aircraft was shot down by MiG-15s on September 13, 1951.
Vought AU-1 Corsair fighters from Marine attack squadron VMA-323 Death Rattlers in flight over Korea, circa 1953.
Men of Battery A, 159th Field Arillery Battalion, fire a 105-mm howitzer in an indirect firing mission on the Korean battle line, near Uirson, August 24, 1950.
M46 tanks of the US Army 6th Tank Battalion in Yangpyeong County, South Korea painted with tiger stripes and faces in order to frighten supposedly superstitious Chinese troops. 7 March 1951
A B-26B-61-DL named "Monie" of the 37th BS, 17th BG flown by 1st Lt Robert Mikesh, Pusan AB, 1952.
An M46 Patton disembarks through the bow doors of USS LST-914 during the invasion of Wonsan, Korea, November 2, 1950.
A Korean family flees as US tanks fire on North Korean positions during heavy street fighting to retake the South Korean capital. Second Battle of Seoul, September 1950.

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