Mil News US soldiers in Iraq murder probe


Mi General
MI.Net Member
Feb 29, 2004
Four American soldiers have been charged with the murder of an Iraqi general who died in custody last November, the US army says.
The victim, Major General Abid Hamid Mowhoush was being held at al-Qaim in Iraq, near the Syrian border.

A death certificate published by the Pentagon gave the cause as asphyxia due to smothering and chest compression.

It is one of many deaths of prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan that the US military has been investigating.

'Interrogation death'

Chief Warrant Officers Jefferson Williams and Lewis Welshofer, Sergeant 1st Class William Sommer and Specialist Jerry Loper have been charged with murder and dereliction of duty, according to the US army.

The murder charge carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment without parole.

The death of the Iraqi general has been treated as suspicious for some time.

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