Mil News UK troops in Iraqi torture probe


Mi General
MI.Net Member
Feb 29, 2004
The Ministry of Defence has launched an investigation into allegations that British soldiers have been pictured torturing an Iraqi prisoner.
The photographs, obtained by the Daily Mirror newspaper, show a suspected thief being beaten and urinated on.

Downing Street swiftly condemned the pictures, echoing concerns it earlier expressed over images of Iraqi prisoners being abused by US troops.

The pictures involving American troops provoked international outrage.

BBC Read More

I normally don't post comments on news items that I post, but in this case I will make an exception, these people need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, because while they were making "the enemy, get what they deserve"," they are putting many thousands of coalition forces in danger from reprisal attacks".

these people do not deserve to be in the forces in my opinion, whether they are in the British Forces or the American Forces, there is no call for this sort of behaviour.

Sorry to get on my High Horse but i do not like Bully Boy behavour.
I agree - it plays into the hands of the pyschos - it also gives the liberal and wishy washy types more verbal ammunition against the forces, Deepcut etc. etc.
Discharged with disgrace after a good beasting in MCTC followed by a stretch with HMG. No more, no less. Hopefully there isn't (or maybe hopefully there is) a photo hoaxer about who can manipulate images - we know how easy it can be done - just look at our silly photos section.

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