US troops loose heart

John A Silkstone

Mi General
MI.Net Member
Jul 11, 2004
American troops in Afghanistan losing heart, say army chaplains

American soldiers serving in Afghanistan are depressed and deeply disillusioned, according to the chaplains of two US battalions that have spent nine months on the front line in the war against the Taleban.

Many feel that they are risking their lives — and that colleagues have died — for a futile mission and an Afghan population that does nothing to help them, the chaplains told The Times in their makeshift chapel on this fortress-like base in a dusty, brown valley southwest of Kabul.

“The many soldiers who come to see us have a sense of futility and anger about being here. They are really in a state of depression and despair and just want to get back to their families,” said Captain Jeff Masengale, of the 10th Mountain Division’s 2-87 Infantry Battalion.

“They feel they are risking their lives for progress that’s hard to discern,” said Captain Sam Rico, of the Division’s 4-25 Field Artillery Battalion. “They are tired, strained, confused and just want to get through.” The chaplains said that they were speaking out because the men could not.

“We’re lost — that’s how I feel. I’m not exactly sure why we’re here,” said Specialist Raquime Mercer, 20, whose closest friend was shot dead by a renegade Afghan policeman last Friday. “I need a clear-cut purpose if I’m going to get hurt out here or if I’m going to die.”

Sergeant Christopher Hughes, 37, from Detroit, has lost six colleagues and survived two roadside bombs. Asked if the mission was worthwhile, he replied: “If I knew exactly what the mission was, probably so, but I don’t.”

The only soldiers who thought it was going well “work in an office, not on the ground”. In his opinion “the whole country is going to s***”.

The battalion’s 1,500 soldiers are nine months in to a year-long deployment that has proved extraordinarily tough. Their goal was to secure the mountainous Wardak province and then to win the people’s allegiance through development and good governance. They have, instead, found themselves locked in an increasingly vicious battle with the Taleban.

They have been targeted by at least 300 roadside bombs, about 180 of which have exploded. Nineteen men have been killed in action, with another committing suicide. About a hundred have been flown home with amputations, severe burns and other injuries likely to cause permanent disability, and many of those have not been replaced. More than two dozen mine-resistant, ambush-protected vehicles (MRAPs) have been knocked out of action.

Living conditions are good — abundant food, air-conditioned tents, hot water, free internet — but most of the men are on their second, third or fourth tours of Afghanistan and Iraq, with barely a year between each. Staff Sergeant Erika Cheney, Airborne’s mental health specialist, expressed concern about their mental state — especially those in scattered outposts — and believes that many have mild post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). “They’re tired, frustrated, scared. A lot of them are afraid to go out but will still go,” she said.

Lieutenant Peter Hjelmstad, 2-87’s Medical Platoon Leader, said sleeplessness and anger attacks were common.

A dozen men have been confined to desk jobs because they can no longer handle missions outside the base. One long-serving officer who has lost three friends this tour said he sometimes returned to his room at night and cried, or played war games on his laptop. “It’s a release. It’s a method of coping.” He has nightmares and sleeps little, and it does not help that the base is frequently shaken by outgoing artillery fire. He was briefly overcome as he recalled how, when a lorry backfired during his most recent home leave, he grabbed his young son and dived between two parked cars.

The chaplains said soldiers were seeking their help in unprecedented numbers. “Everyone you meet is just down, and you meet them everywhere — in the weight room, dining facility, getting mail,” said Captain Rico. Even “hard men” were coming to their tent chapel and breaking down.

The men are frustrated by the lack of obvious purpose or progress. “The soldiers’ biggest question is: what can we do to make this war stop. Catch one person? Assault one objective? Soldiers want definite answers, other than to stop the Taleban, because that almost seems impossible. It’s hard to catch someone you can’t see,” said Specialist Mercer.

“It’s a very frustrating mission,” said Lieutenant Hjelmstad. “The average soldier sees a friend blown up and his instinct is to retaliate or believe it’s for something [worthwhile], but it’s not like other wars where your buddy died but they took the hill. There’s no tangible reward for the sacrifice. It’s hard to say Wardak is better than when we got here.”

Captain Masengale, a soldier for 12 years before he became a chaplain, said: “We want to believe in a cause but we don’t know what that cause is.”

The soldiers are angry that colleagues are losing their lives while trying to help a population that will not help them. “You give them all the humanitarian assistance that they want and they’re still going to lie to you. They’ll tell you there’s no Taleban anywhere in the area and as soon as you roll away, ten feet from their house, you get shot at again,” said Specialist Eric Petty, from Georgia.

Captain Rico told of the disgust of a medic who was asked to treat an insurgent shortly after pulling a colleague’s charred corpse from a bombed vehicle.

The soldiers complain that rules of engagement designed to minimise civilian casualties mean that they fight with one arm tied behind their backs. “They’re a joke,” said one. “You get shot at but can do nothing about it. You have to see the person with the weapon. It’s not enough to know which house the shooting’s coming from.”

The soldiers joke that their Isaf arm badges stand not for International Security Assistance Force but “I Suck At Fighting” or “I Support Afghan Farmers”.

To compound matters, soldiers are mainly being killed not in combat but on routine journeys, by roadside bombs planted by an invisible enemy. “That’s very demoralising,” said Captain Masengale.

The constant deployments are, meanwhile, playing havoc with the soldiers’ private lives. “They’re killing families,” he said. “Divorces are skyrocketing. PTSD is off the scale. There have been hundreds of injuries that send soldiers home and affect families for the rest of their lives.”

The chaplains said that many soldiers had lost their desire to help Afghanistan. “All they want to do is make it home alive and go back to their wives and children and visit the families who have lost husbands and fathers over here. It comes down to just surviving,” said Captain Masengale.

“If we make it back with ten toes and ten fingers the mission is successful,” Sergeant Hughes said.

“You carry on for the guys to your left or right,” added Specialist Mercer.

The chaplains have themselves struggled to cope with so much distress. “We have to encourage them, strengthen them and send them out again. No one comes in and says, ‘I’ve had a great day on a mission’. It’s all pain,” said Captain Masengale. “The only way we’ve been able to make it is having each other.”

Lieutenant-Colonel Kimo Gallahue, 2-87’s commanding officer, denied that his men were demoralised, and insisted they had achieved a great deal over the past nine months. A triathlete and former rugby player, he admitted pushing his men hard, but argued that taking the fight to the enemy was the best form of defence.

He said the security situation had worsened because the insurgents had chosen to fight in Wardak province, not abandon it. He said, however, that the situation would have been catastrophic without his men. They had managed to keep open the key Kabul-to-Kandahar highway which dissects Wardak, and prevent the province becoming a launch pad for attacks on the capital, which is barely 20 miles from its border. Above all, Colonel Gallahue argued that counter-insurgency — winning the allegiance of the indigenous population through security, development and good governance — was a long and laborious process that could not be completed in a year. “These 12 months have been, for me, laying the groundwork for future success,” he said.

At morning service on Sunday, the two chaplains sought to boost the spirits of their flock with uplifting hymns, accompanied by video footage of beautiful lakes, oceans and rivers.

Captain Rico offered a particularly apposite reading from Corinthians: “We are afflicted in every way but not crushed; perplexed but not driven to despair; persecuted but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.”
We're making a difference, US colonel tells despondent troops in Afghanistan
Captain Jeff Masengale, one of two chaplains who warned of falling morale among US troops in Afghanistan, is himself considering leaving the army

An American commander in Afghanistan has responded to a report in The Times that his men are demoralised by sending each an optimistic message that insists they are playing a pivotal role in the war.

“I just wanted to take the opportunity to let every single member of Task Force Spartan, and attachments, know how very proud I am of each and every one of you,” Colonel David Haight, of the 10th Mountain Division’s 3rd Brigade Combat Team, wrote in an unusual letter to the 3,500 soldiers under his command. “I wanted to ensure that everyone understands that the CSM [Command Sergeant Major] and I recognise that every single person in the Task Force plays a very pivotal role and that means EVERY single [soldier] serving out there.”

The letter was a direct response to an article in The Times last week in which the chaplains of two battalions said that the men felt they were risking their lives — and that colleagues had died — for a futile mission that was making little discernible progress. The battalions — the 2-87 Infantry Battalion and 4-25 Field Artillery Battalion — have been waging an unexpectedly ferocious battle with the Taleban since last spring for control of Wardak province. They have been hit by more than 300 roadside bombs and lost 19 men, with a hundred flown home with serious injuries.

Colonel’s Haight’s missive comes as President Obama conducts a weeks-long review of whether the US military should deploy more troops to confront the Taleban-led insurgency in Afghanistan, or focus more narrowly on countering al-Qaeda terrorism. As the review drags on, US soldiers continue to risk their lives daily.

“Some soldiers ask whether it is really worth fighting for certain valleys or to keep roads open,” Colonel Haight wrote. “From the individual’s foxhole, it is probably often difficult to see the bigger picture.

“I am here to solemnly testify to all of you that it is important. While it may be hard to see the tangible gains or benefits from every mounted or dismounted patrol, every hour on the OP [Observation Post] or guard tower, every vehicle repaired, every conversation with a local leader, etc — it all adds up to the success of the mission.”

“We weren’t sent here to observe a tennis match at Wimbledon,” he wrote, adding that Mullah Omar, the Taleban leader, had decided to contest Wardak because it straddled the main Kabul to Kandahar highway, a key artery, and provided direct access to the capital, 20 miles from the province’s northeastern border.

He attached a slide providing what he described as a “snapshot of our devastating impact on the enemy organisation”. The information was classified, but a Division spokesman said it showed that 60 insurgents had been killed and about 150 detained in Wardak and neighbouring Logar province since the end of August. “We have crushed him [the enemy] during his most active period,” Colonel Haight claimed, adding that his soldiers had also helped to develop infrastructure and good governance and that “the impact is seen everywhere”.

He acknowledged that there had been problems with the Afghan national security forces (a policeman recently shot and killed two of his men). “At first we could not even get them to leave the wire,” he said. But he insisted that they were improving.

As for American casualties, he said it was “our solemn responsibility to honour them each and every day by making their sacrifice matter. We do this by never forgetting them, taking care of and staying in touch with their families and, most importantly, winning on the battlefield”.

Captain Masengale, who said he was considering leaving the military, told The Times last night that he was pleased the colonel had put pen to paper: “I am very proud of the commander for his words of encouragement to the brigade, and for helping us understand the difference we have made over the last year.”

Lieutenant-Colonel Kimo Gallahue, commanding officer of 2-87 battalion, also welcomed the letter. “It’s heartfelt,” he said. “The men appreciate any time their leaders give them an assessment of how they’re doing.”
IT MEANS A LOT to the average soldier, to know that his commander and NCO's are aware of his sacrifices and appreciate everything they do for the unit!! I speak from experience as a veteran and former enlisted rank. It really lifted my spirits to know that what I did mattered to the commander and the sergeants over me. When you're part of a family, everyone supports everyone else. If they don't, disillusionment and depression set in. A lot of these soldiers are away from home for the first time. They have computers and can surf the internet too. They are not stupid, mindless killing machines. They are men. Men who read what ignorant writers print about their sacrifices, saying they are being led like lambs to the slaughter... Those same writers need to don a flak vest and helmet and put their butts in the line of fire for a year, then go back a write about what's going on over there!! Maybe they'd be a little more alert to the effect their articles have on the soldier in the field.

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