Mil News UK troops begin Basra withdrawal


Mi General
MI.Net Member
Feb 29, 2004
British troops in Iraq have begun to withdraw from their base at Basra
Palace in the southern city, the Iraqi Defence Ministry has announced.

The 550 personnel are leaving to join the remaining 5,000 troops at the last
British base near Basra Airport.

A Downing Street spokesman confirmed Prime Minister Gordon Brown was
aware of the operation.

The withdrawal from Basra Palace was part of the ongoing process of
handing over to Iraqi security forces, he said.

BBC Read More
"Our troops must not be put at needless risk to satisfy the political needs of Gordon Brown's government. Any moves must be based upon the military reality on the ground," he said.

Im sorry, but havent we always been an extension of the political arm ?
And isnt Gordon Browns government , our Government ?
I'm sorry, but haven't we always been an extension of the political arm ?
And isn't Gordon Browns government, our Government?

That was rather a low punch by Liam Fox. If his party were in power, would the move be to suit their political needs too?

"War is politics by other means" - Carl von Clausewitz.

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