Politics Israeli government collapses


Mi Field Marshall
MI.Net Member
Apr 9, 2019
Gee what a surprise! The government of radically different ideologies formed with the sole goal of making sure that Netanyahu doesn't become prime minister again has collapsed after just a year in office. Didn't see that one coming :rolleyes:

Gee what a surprise! The government of radically different ideologies formed with the sole goal of making sure that Netanyahu doesn't become prime minister again has collapsed after just a year in office. Didn't see that one coming :rolleyes:

Boy we could sure show them a thing or two... how to elect the worst scumbag in American History. Totally destroyed our economy with increasing employee pay that is totally far and above the existing economy that has always been the main factor in wages. Unions are the worst but then we don't see so much cost in things like food due to union wages. Everything today in a store starts at five bucks ! If it gets much worse over the next couple years I will have to find an old folks home on the cheap. To make it worse every corporation in the goods and food manufacture have made containers smaller i.e amounts much less and prices raised every 3 to 6 months, just pure criminal greed and not one thing has been done in our government to stop the stealing from consumers. You can bet those people in those industries have socked away millions of dollars in just 3 short years. I figure when the next great depression hits us those people will do as the first bunch did and hang themselves. I won't mention allowing 1/3rd of the southern hemisphere wade across the Rio Grande and totally bankrupting our budget that was approved for we the citizens. Ripe for complete civil war as it gets worse by the day
I was gonna say; "Mike, you're posting an article that's over a year old"

*looks at thread date*

What a resurrection though, a wall-of-text praising the current POTUS and the impending second American civil war.

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