Crime American Family Massacred and Burned Alive in Mexico.


Mi Field Marshall
MI.Net Member
Feb 2, 2018
How do people end up doing things like this?

Just now I watched this tv series (american gods) where this kind of stuff was shown to be done on the american side of the border. On mexican side you don't have to make this S**t up.
Even if he accepted it, I'd still say I reject it.
I believe the Mexican Armed Forces can do their job... just unleash them. Problem with Mexico is it is trying to use "western" tactics in a Latin American problem.

Meanwhile in the Philippines... checkmate:
The VP nd her party is very much against the present administrations campaign agaisnt drugs and criticize it... answer put them in charge of it. :)
If you actually read up on how Mexico is going about their issue with drugs instead of headlines, they are very much tied by their governments trying to push human rights above all. The Vigilantes ere effective but was cut down by the government as it isnt appropriate. So what did you expect their soldiers will do when you have leaders that are sheep and cowards?

Our war on drugs is costly in terms of most estern nations turning their backs on us, hell we have had embargoes from Canada and the Europeans, luckily we have an admin that dont give a flying rats ass what the world thinks.
If you actually read up on how Mexico is going about their issue with drugs instead of headlines, they are very much tied by their governments trying to push human rights above all. The Vigilantes ere effective but was cut down by the government as it isnt appropriate. So what did you expect their soldiers will do when you have leaders that are sheep and cowards?

Our war on drugs is costly in terms of most estern nations turning their backs on us, hell we have had embargoes from Canada and the Europeans, luckily we have an admin that dont give a flying rats ass what the world thinks.

What makes you think I'm not well read on that? The cartels have infiltrated from top to bottom. It's lead or gold. So, who exactly is supposed to "unleash" the Mexican armed forces? The fact is, the cartels run the country.
Parts of the government are in the cartels pockets but they dont exactly run the country. Look up on how effective the Mexican marines can put the cartels in check. However, the current admin wants peace at all cost and this has led to the Military being put in lock down. There is a growing disenchantment with the Mexican military so who knows they might just do it themselves.
Problem with Mexico is it is trying to use "western" tactics in a Latin American problem.

They hardly did do that under Felipe Calderon, under whose administration the army dug mass graves wide and deep. To what end? Your view is way too narrow. The current government does what it does by popular demand, on the grounds that all previous attempts to curb the Cartels failed miserably.

Mate, the drug problem of the Philippines doesn't even move the needle in comparison to Mexico's. That country's issues run much deeper, they run deeper even than Colombia's during Escobar's days. No one wants to admit it, but Mexico's drug cartels are as powerful as they are because they're outgrowths of the nation's very culture.

Some of the most successful Mexican musicians sing the Cartels' praise, murals and television shows portray them as heroes, and the country's youth watches and listens. Young men flock together in droves to join their ranks – not to escape poverty, mind you, but to live what they think will be a manly life, a life of adventure. You'd have to do something about that before other measures (violent or otherwise) could even begin to make a difference.

Besides, Mexico's security apparatus is so corrupt that according to Borderlandbeat (a knowledgable blog on the Mexican Drug War), it's not unlikely the majority of the Cartel members did wear or do wear the insignia of one of Mexico's uniformed services.

The situation is so bad that it is, quite frankly, amazing Mexico still enjoys the resemblance of a civil society. However, the sad truth is Trump's suggestion is probably better than anything the Mexicans could come up with, although it is utterly unfeasible as well. You'd have to bring in tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of soldiers, police officers and civil servants to completely uproot organised crime in Mexico.
The only thing why that needle doesnt move is because Asian governments are draconian when it comes to people that try to over power it. Specially criminals, this is where a "western" mind set about human rights can go wrong when you are not in that developed state yet.

Americans would fail miserably at fighting the cartels, for the simple fact that drugs is a cancer and curing it it will not be a pretty sight.
Cartels are worse than animals.

Indeed, kill them all. Unfortunately, the Mexican government has shown it is not only unable to fight the cartels, but the recent events showed the cartels were able to make the Mexican army cave and surrender.
Mexico will need a tough leader who is willing to fight the cartel and backed up and respected by mexican police force and armed forces...otherwise business as usual for the cartel.
What makes you think I'm not well read on that? The cartels have infiltrated from top to bottom. It's lead or gold. So, who exactly is supposed to "unleash" the Mexican armed forces? The fact is, the cartels run the country.
Some sicarios are even former (or actual) mexican special forces
The police be it local, state or even federal is rotten
Only a few units have a reputation of integrity (i think about the Mexican marines) but they are not enough
It's more than just drugs, the cartels are now big into human trafficking.
Mexico will need a tough leader who is willing to fight the cartel and backed up and respected by mexican police force and armed forces...otherwise business as usual for the cartel.

They will get to any local or federal leader. In the end you accept the bribes or are killed, usually with your family. A very difficult situation. Colombia was able to emerge from something similar.

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