Politics The European Union, Good Or Bad?


Mi Corporal
MI.Net Member
Feb 22, 2015
Well here are some points from me as to why it is a bad thing. They are obviously biased towards my own country the UK as I cannot speak for the rest of Europe. I will also add a video to this post which, is a long watch (slightly over an hour) but it alarms me.

The EU high command are un-elected (they are appointed) this is not a democratic process, most people in the UK do not even know who these people are and have no say in removing them should they need to do so

The EU are deciding on our laws and once passed we have no say in changing them

The EU bureaucrats essentially have power without accountability

Britain can never control immigration until it leaves the European Union, because freedom of movement gives other EU citizens an automatic right to live here.

Britain’s links with the EU are holding back its focus on emerging markets – there is no major trade deal with China or India, for example. Leaving would allow the UK to diversify its international links.

The danger to jobs has been over-exaggerated. By incentivising investment through low corporation tax and other perks Britain can flourish like the Scandinavian countries outside the EU.

Britain does not need the EU to prosper internationally. By re-engaging with the Commonwealth the UK can have just as much clout as it does from inside the EU.

The free movement of migrants to the UK puts more pressure on Infrastructure, such as health, housing and on all the public services.

Anyway these are just a few points and I will add to this as the discussion goes on. As you can see I am not just a Eurosceptic I am dead against it.

Here is the video/documentary

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Here is the voice of a young lady regarding the minimum wage and her feelings on leaving the EU
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The European Union, Good Or Bad?

Well, that depends on if your country had been occupied for 50+ years or not... I mean really occupied, not with regulations but with guns and tanks occupied.

Personally, I don´t care about regulations in transport, refugee quotes, regulations in food and agriculture etc. We were banned (for example) to export some traditional goods because of EU hysteria regarding sulphites. For me, if EU reaches out and grabs my property, that´ll be the day I move to Texas. For now, it´s the best thing that happened to my country since... ever.

On another note, I don´t think this is what British companies and market want. EU is the biggest economy in the world, don´t forget that (as independent entities US being the 2nd, China 3rd etc. ... S. Korea and Japan have got bigger markets than India, so I don´t know what´s the fuss about), surely with Germany, UK, France and Italy with the highest HFCE and GDP. Do you know what will happen, let´s say on the consumer market? As far as I´m concerned as a consumer, I´ll stop buying stuff from British stores (couple of hundreds of euros per year). And that´s just only one insignificant me :)

Remember the Scotland independence referendum? Do you think that they wanted to stay because they love UK so much or because of the EU?

People bitch about immigration, how many educated and qualified European citizens of not UK citizenship work in the UK? How many unqualified European citizens of not UK citizenship work in the UK? Surely, you don´t mean to compare those to the waves of North Africans, Syrians etc. do you?

UK market is a very old one (in the best sense), with it´s traditions, it´s reputation in the world, indubitably. If it makes British people happy, go ahead and vote yes but think through the consequences it´ll have.

Oh, and - I´m sorry, usually this is the place I´d put some charts or a diagram, but we´ve got an appointment at the physician, so just this. Scandinavian countries are members of the EU, only Norway and Iceland aren´t. However, they enjoy their membership in the EEA and EFTA. Sure, EU "decides on our laws and once passed we have no say in changing them". So why do you, guys, don´t change the gun law passed several years ago which made UK olympic shooting team train just with mock pistols? "The EU bureaucrats essentially have power without accountability" - yeah, basically, every single one national parliament in Europe. As a citizen, you can petition, you can protest, and then get back to work or have lunch or whatever.
The future of Europe if things do not change
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@saiga The fuss about sovereignty we do not want the faceless un elected bureaucrats telling our great country what we should and should not do.
I do however understand your point of view with regards to the benefits of the EU to your country, unfortunately IMHO the EU does not benefit me or my countrymen, in fact I believe it stifles our productivity and most of the money we introduce into the beast is sent to countries who put nothing into it (relatively speaking).
Remember the Scotland independence referendum? Do you think that they wanted to stay because they love UK so much or because of the EU?

This is utter rubbish. Nicola Sturgeon or 'Jimmy Crankie' as she is known led a vote for Scotland to be Independent of the UK, and yet she insists that not being independent of the EU is a good thing?, I have never in my lifetime seen such levels of hypocrisy.
@saiga The fuss about sovereignty we do not want the faceless un elected bureaucrats telling our great country what we should and should not do.
I do however understand your point of view with regards to the benefits of the EU to your country, unfortunately IMHO the EU does not benefit me or my countrymen, in fact I believe it stifles our productivity and most of the money we introduce into the beast is sent to countries who put nothing into it (relatively speaking).

Well said @Xcalibur
What a great discussion to create, I can say that I have met more people who want out than who want in. I would say about 90% of those who I have spoken to (in the hundreds) want out. Europe you were conceived in the wrong time and I accept for a noble purpose, but greedy and inept politicians have destroyed the dream. I feel that we are to say goodbye and not a day too soon either.
Something to lighten the mood

the perfect european cartoon.webp
@ Bigbird

Hypocrisy in what that chick said, I hope, not in my comment because SNP is a political party, Sturgeon is a populist, she says one thing today, another thing tomorrow, she does that for living. I´d have accept some polls instead. For example, I´ve looked up some from 2015 and... long story short 23% of Scots believe that the Westminster acts in their best interest (well, 70-something don´t, want Edinburgh to take the wheel instead. But not with SNP. Their voters are... how to say it... apathetic). On another note, Sturgeon said herself that she wouldn´t hold another independence referendum in case Brexit happened. Oh my god why? I will tell you why, because that would be the end.

Look, I don´t really give a damn, but this is a very interesting discussion, and hey, I will open a bottle of champagne in any case, so win-win.

Moving on. That chick, Sturgeon that is, talks a lot... what´s the other word for BS? Even for a populist. She wanted an independent Scotland without – and I stress the following – successful Cameron´s reforms, and I really do not like that guy but he made, for example, education possible for families with less income. In comparison, she doesn´t even know how to talk about this problem (not being able to provide the same level of education for rich and poor is one), she isn´t even aware of it, struggles in every single debate, she makes up some lame one-line excuse. Her popularity falls, I´m not an expert in UK politics but I think it has to do something with the full fiscal autonomy she proposed? Full control over spending and taxes in her hands. Imagine that. And yeah, good luck to her with the £ 15 billion deficit.

To make things clear, it´s your decision. Brexit, don´t Brexit... This is the latest results https://ig.ft.com/sites/brexit-polling/ Hey, if it means that UK members of EP leave for good, maybe this will stop them from screwing around with gun control, and maybe, just maybe Juncker bites the dust. I´m just wondering how many people Cameron included expressed their condolences to those two orphans and told them that the life of their mother was worth all this fuss.

Goddammit people. Look up in the history books. How many times was the breakup of a large political structure followed by hugs, love and bubblegum?

Oh, and I´ve got another one regarding that lady. Remember how she foretold the success and richness of an independent Scotland based on another oil-price-boom ($ 110 a barrel)? It wasn´t the 90s anymore, it was the year of 2014. That was just stupid. So, what I wanted to say with all this is that, by any means, she is not the right source for making assumptions or giving examples.


Thanks for the "relatively speaking" clause, because you know prejudice and stuff. I understand your frustration, believe me, if I met Juncker, I´d punch him so hard... but it is simply not true that EU does not benefit you - your country, I mean. Just one word: economics. Actually more than one; BP, BT, Marks&Spencer, ASDA, European trade market has been very generous to UK, google, for example, for Mr. Robert Wood from Berenberg Bank, he´ll explain better than me.

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Here is a good video that makes things plain and simple

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...after seeing the last COREPER and IMCO gun law related session, what I can say about EU is only...

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We had a good run though.
My main man in Belgium said semi auto rifles have been or will be declared illegal to possess in order "to fight terrorism" in the EU????

Which means terrorists will have them & law abiding citizens will not. While I can't categorically brag up Trump, I'm sure glad we got him instead of Shrillary! I think she would have tried some stunt like this here. SW

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