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- May 2, 2019
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Americans have a long history of breaching laws in the name of a higher law or God-given rights.
The patriots of Boston gathered an arsenal at Concord in defiance of the British. To protest a tea tax imposed by parliament, they dressed as American Indians and threw shiploads of imported tea into Boston Harbor.
Abolitionists supported the violation of fugitive slave laws, the enforcement of which Lincoln endorsed in his first inaugural as a national necessity to restore and preserve the Union.
A constitutional prohibition of the sale of beer, wine and liquor in the U.S., following the enactment of the 18th Amendment, led to massive civil disobedience in the Roaring '20s, before it was repealed in 1933 by the 21st Amendment.
During Vietnam, burning draft cards was a regular feature of anti-war rallies.
Historians may describe the racial riots of the 1960s -- Harlem, Watts, Newark, Detroit, and 100 U.S. cities including Washington, D.C., after King's assassination -- as popular uprisings, but many required National Guard and federal troops to stop the looting, shooting and arson.
In conservative states, restrictions imposed on abortion facilities have put some out of business. The legislators and governors who have done so believe the right to life trumps the Warren Court ruling in Roe v. Wade.
Perhaps the greatest manifestation of civil disobedience today is the illegal presence of between 12 million and 20 million immigrants who broke into our country or are breaking the law by being here after their visas expired.
Their collaborators are the business owners who hire them and the public officials who refuse to treat them as lawbreakers.
"Sanctuary cities" have been created where local and state authorities refuse to cooperate with immigration enforcement.
Now, towns, cities and counties are creating "Second Amendment sanctuaries," where laws restricting gun rights will not be enforced.
If state and local police, themselves gun owners, stand with those who defy the new state laws on guns, who enforces the new laws?
For a republic to endure, there has to be a common consent on the rule of law and what constitutes a good society. But these seem to be at issue again in America.
Still, Americans seem to disagree with each other more and to dislike each other more than they have in the lifetime of most of us.
One wonders: How does it all stay together? And for how long?
Is Mass Civil Disobedience Our Future?
On the holiday set aside in 2020 to honor Martin Luther King, the premier advocate of nonviolent Gandhian civil disobedience, thousands of gun owners gathered in Richmond to petition peacefully for their rights.
I feel that this is going to keep happening in the United States, more will say piss off to the authorities and the power of the law will continue to crumble.
I foresee the future as a Balkanized America split between urban and rural where power has become de-centralized.