Warfare HAMAS attack on Israel, October 2023

But won't IAF be facing the best monkey model Russian AD systems? Yes they will! And everybody knows how well those work!
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But won't IAF be facing the best monkey model Russian AD systems? Yes they will! And everybody knows how well those work!
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What Iran is fielding is a mixed bag of many systems, going from the Rapier, to the Hawk and S300PMU.

With lots of strange experiments in retrofitting and vague copies of foreign systems.

None of them are considered as being anywhere near "high end".
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Look at their suffering! Not even ice cream stands for the kids! 😭🏳️‍🌈🇵🇸

Look at their suffering! Not even ice cream stands for the kids! 😭🏳️‍🌈🇵🇸


That's the reason I'm aware that the war concluded around December or January... Currently, Israelis are clearing out the insurgents and actively seeking the hostages.
so latest lebanese news : the Lebanese state received a message from a major country warning of preparations for a sudden Israeli strike after hizbolla targeted a community building in israel which resulted in israeli casualities ...looks like its time to popcorn.jpg

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Kudos to the Yanks!

Makes it more difficult to assess the efficacy of Israel's air defences, though. Particularly its ground-based defences, which would be good to know.

Oh boy, Chameini shat the bed with this one, didn't he. He practically pushed the Sunnis into an alliance with Israel. Also, no one gives a toss about Hamas and Gaza anymore. Overnight, most of the pressure on Western leaders to reign in Israel has given way to fear of Iran's stupidity.

And this is why ideologues always lose in the end, folks. It's the pragmatist who gets to go home and shag the prom queen.
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Now they're practicing for what comes when they do get a nuke. Notice they did not make a clear sign of it being a nuclear device, knowing full well Israel will take it as a direct threat and probably nuke them first. Israel has good eyes and won't hesitate to nuke them.
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Yes without oil and gas Iran will go back to riding camels and burning camel chips for cooking and heat.
They should have tossed all those Fockers that were on the Golden Gate over the rail

Is it not free speech though? You can't moan that they are saying something you don't like then claim free speech for yourself?

I don't agree with what they are saying, but surely they have the right to say it?
Is it not free speech though? You can't moan that they are saying something you don't like then claim free speech for yourself?

I don't agree with what they are saying, but surely they have the right to say it?
Advocating death & destruction of the USA or its allies goes beyond free speech, that is incitement to murder/kill and deserves to be addressed.
Is it not free speech though? You can't moan that they are saying something you don't like then claim free speech for yourself?

I don't agree with what they are saying, but surely they have the right to say it?
Not on the Golden Gate Bridge or any other public thoroughfare , they blocked airport entrance's and other places and kept people from their jobs, throw them over the rail. Most are not Americans but people we have graciously allowed to come here and assimilate. They have now become subject to be deported should they be immigrates. Or I should say if we still have anyone left that obeys our laws working in immigration which I seriously doubt. Our country is now S_it from being so kind. If they care more about the country they all fled then go back and retake their country and stop demanding things they don't get there.

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