Politics Anti-Semitism, Israel and the wider world


Mi Field Marshall
MI.Net Member
Apr 25, 2019
This thread could be used to post news and comments on anti-Semitic acts, both by individuals and governments, as well as Israel's treatment by the wider world.

I'll get this show on the road with good news:

This week, Germany's parliament will at long last deal somewhat of a blow to BDS and like-minded groups. From June 1 onwards, groups calling for Israel's isolation or the boycott of Israeli products will be excluded from public benefits. Public funding will cease, they will become ineligible for tax breaks and lose their status as charitable organizations (if applicable).

About time!

By the way, anyone knows if GB_FXST migrated to this board as well, perhaps under a different handle?
I doubt he has. Not sure if related but he was suspended from TheMess for the few weeks before it got closed to posting...
I see some people are more "equal" than others. Also interesting that freedom of speech and opinion even gets surpressed in relation to Israel even if it's not related to Nazism.

I doubt he has. Not sure if related but he was suspended from TheMess for the few weeks before it got closed to posting...

And nothing of any value was lost. :cool:
If you think BDS isn't spreading anti-Semitic propaganda, you're a tool. Besides, this isn't a matter of free speech. They're still able to spew their hatred to their heart's desire. They just don't get to call themselves charitable anymore, as they clearly aren't.
Which is a bloody good thing.
I wondered about GB as well. Hope he finds his way here.

I'm not sure what's led to the 10% increase in anti semitic crime in Germany but isn't this just going to instill fear within those communities ? Maybe they start investigating the crimes instead of this sticking plaster piece of advice .
^^ I like how this BBC article somehow link it to the rise of the far-right AfD in Germany whereas most German Jews victims of assault and insult come at 90% from a certain minority of a certain religion.

Fake news BBC.
^^ I like how this BBC article somehow link it to the rise of the far-right AfD in Germany whereas most German Jews victims of assault and insult come at 90% from a certain minority of a certain religion.

Fake news BBC.

Weird isn't it? German officials should also ask Muslims to stop wearing veils/burqas/etc...
^^ I like how this BBC article somehow link it to the rise of the far-right AfD in Germany whereas most German Jews victims of assault and insult come at 90% from a certain minority of a certain religion.

Fake news BBC.
got statistics on this? I mean, my underbelly agrees with you, but if the numbers suggest otherwise we should take it seriously
got statistics on this? I mean, my underbelly agrees with you, but if the numbers suggest otherwise we should take it seriously

I’m doubtful that Germany make up racial statistics likewise France regarding antisemitism; so nope. I just happened to have read many, many articles about Cohen or Levy having been stabbed or insulted since 2014 with the usual headline “antisemitism in Germany” only to find out that the offender names wasn’t kraut eating, doppelbock drinking Herr Mayer.
German parliament furious about UN agency's accusation that resolution against funding of BDS infringes on free spech, says: 'They've either not understood the resolution or could not be bothered to read it' ()

Again: They're free to spread their hatred to their heart's desire. They just don't get to claim they're a charitable organization anymore.
I’m doubtful that Germany make up racial statistics likewise France regarding antisemitism; so nope. I just happened to have read many, many articles about Cohen or Levy having been stabbed or insulted since 2014 with the usual headline “antisemitism in Germany” only to find out that the offender names wasn’t kraut eating, doppelbock drinking Herr Mayer.

Some thoughts (better late than never)…

It's no exaggeration that anti-Semitism was a reason of state for the Communist East German regime (which aided Israel's enemies in many a war). Its propaganda still reverbarates in that part of the country. Moreover, George Soros' undeniable meddling in our affairs has been an eager vehicle for neo-Nazi propaganda.

Right-wing anti-Semitism is on the rise and yes, a few members of 'Alternative for Germany' (AfD) have used anti-Semitic vocabulary in the past. Which is disgusting, though I'm not as disgusted as I could be since the public somehow seems to believe when a right-winger accuses "the Jews" of a world-encompassing conspiracy it's somehow worse than when a left-winger does the same.

Indeed, left-wing anti-Semitism aided by identity politics and growing anti-Capitalist sentiment is on the rise as well. What's happening under Corbyn's regime in Britain's Labour may be observed in Germany's left-wing parties as well.

The potential for right-wing anti-Semitism has not really grown, though, the numbers of known extremists remaining steady. Its perpetrators are the same skinhead-types that toppled Jewish gravestones during the 90's; they've just become more emboldened by a social climate suggesting those who feel righteous are entitled to act as though they were righteous. (A side-effect of identity politics the left staunchly refuses to acknowledge.)

The "New Right" is just about the only force in Germany to unconditionally avow itself to the Jewish cause. This fact remains factual should you even assume they only care about Israel and Judaism as a folio for the dangers of political Islam.

Unfortunately, the official crime statistic is flawed, to say the least. Its authors concede unapologetically that, when a Muslim immigrant attacks a Rabbi, they will count the assault as a right-wing hate crime. That's probably not even an attempt to distort the official figures but a testament to the utter inability of their world view to deal with a new reality.

More insight is gained through surveys conducted on an intranational level. For instance, an infamous 2016 teachers' union study linked the recent surge of anti-Semitic crime on German school yards exclusively to the influx of refugee children.
Decent post here Herr Muck but I’ll never be convinced that the far-right will ever be as much a threat as political Islam.
Decent post here Herr Muck but I’ll never be convinced that the far-right will ever be as much a threat as political Islam.

In western countries, I am worried we will arrive in a state of near civil war and that many people who want to fight islamists will join the side of the extreme right only because all the other political parties will weasel out of the conflict, much as in 1940 the first resistants came from the extreme right.

It might be the stepping stone for something bigger.
In western countries, I am worried we will arrive in a state of near civil war and that many people who want to fight islamists will join the side of the extreme right only because all the other political parties will weasel out of the conflict, much as in 1940 the first resistants came from the extreme right.

It might be the stepping stone for something bigger.

I don’t believe in any civil war, personally. Not in the foreseeable future anyway.

I’m not one to lump everybody together and I know enough decent Muslims (which include some practicing their religion really actively).

However, when I talk about political Islam (and not terrorism) I think of it as an even bigger threat.

Muslims are an increasingly growing force all around the west, and once they reach a certain level of the population, things will inevitably have to change. It’s been seen in other countries which didn’t have as many Muslims merely a hundred year ago.

America doesn’t have as much trouble - for now anyway, and even though some Latino or African-American gangbangers are an issue, they are not gaining any power politically whereas Muslims in Europe are.

That said, we can still have the occasional loony shooting up a mosque or a synagogue, but I don’t believe in a resurgence of a fascist ideology soon.. WW2 isn’t that far behind and still in everyone’s memory.
The "rise of fascism" is the boogeyman our politicians are brandishing when they feel threatened.

It is also a safe bet for them to score some point.

There are "lots" of talks about "revolt! rise!" etc... but as usual, it is mostly all talk. Everybody is talking about revolution until it is actually time to do it.

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