Photos WW2 Mongolian forces

Marshal Choibalsan during a visit to Moscow in July 1945.

A little known subject here in the west, thanks for posting the pictures, I find the ones with medals interesting as collecting and studying such is one of my hobbies.
A little known subject here in the west, thanks for posting the pictures, I find the ones with medals interesting as collecting and studying such is one of my hobbies.
As soon as I have a couple of time, I'll try to make little articles about MPR army uniform, medals, ranks and on other themes.
It is very interesting to know about that armed force of which we know so little, I appreciate the photographs, they are very interesting, if you could give us much more information about that part of history we would be very grateful to you more than one of the forum members.

Иван Феоктистов posted:

Is it the Mongol army that interests you so much? Or do you love everything related to military history?

In an attempt to answer your above Q..........I mirror TIGREDELAIRE's comments exactly mate!
With the addition of, anyone from another part of the world, or with a another military experience who show's us that is welcome I should think....enemy or friend! And especially those that are rare, or little spoken of in history. And for me specifically, I also enjoy seeing the background activity and the human condition that's going on in these pictures and knowing that troops of most nations LOVE a camera and the joy it will bring if they get away with it and the pics survive, I know that soldiers-marines, sailors, pilots, guerrillas, freedom fighters, comrades, etc etc, have a few or plenty of these photos that can show us what they did and what that was like there that nowadays can and should share maybe!!! That's my perspective.

And I must add, you have been the presenter of some GREAT stuff from the east that I have enjoyed greatly Иван Феоктистов

The history of eastern Europe is flush with pages or military history and struggle, WWII battles being at the forefront of that followed closely by the long running cold war period, I've enjoyed may hours here reading and studying the material you've given us....keep it coming!! (Y)
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im trying to do research on the mongol military from ww2 but cant find any info in english im mostly looking for the equipment that was used by infantry and calvary i was wondering if anyone here could help

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