During WW2 the Japanese established the reputation as being the masters of camouflage, particulary in jungle warfare.
IJA infantrymen were issued sections of large-mesh netting which they could drape over themselves and garnish with natural foliage.
This image illustrates the general principle.
(LIFE Collections)

Puppet Emperor Kang Te (Pu Yi) of Machukuo and last Emperor of China, upon arriving in Japan for a state visit, 1940; note the battleship Hyūga in the background
Remains of the Japanese fleet. Straw men created to make gun emplacements appear to be manned. photo George Silk, LIFE. 1945.

A PBM Mariner in the background
Disarmed Imperial Japanese soldiers are marched out of Singapore towards prisoner of war camps while guarded by Indian soldiers of the 5th Infantry Division. Singapore, September 1945.

Japanese Battleship Haruna sunk in shallow water near Kure Japan - September 1945
Haruna was sunk by planes from USN Task Force 38 on July 28, 1945
Originally a Kongō-Class Battlecruiser commissioned in 1915, Haruna was reclassified as a “Fast Battleship” by the Japanese Navy after extensive rebuilds in the 1930’s, but was still a Battlecruiser in terms of her armor protection
LIFE Magazine Archives - George Silk Photographer

March 28th 1942
Nakajima B5N "Kate" torpedo bombers on flight deck aboard aircraft carrier Akagi shortly after she left Port Stirling, Celebes for an action in Indian Ocean.

Destroyed Type 97 Chi-Ha of the 9th Japanese Tank Regiment. Saipan. July 1944.
Naval Marines use a field gun to exchange fire with Nationalist Chinese forces at the Shanghai North Railway Station, 30 September 1937
Japanese soldiers attack a M3 Stuart tank with a Kaenbin, or similar device in Burma, 1943. From the quality of the picture, and the utter lack of covering fire against an exposed enemy, it suggests that this is a propaganda picture.
Smoke rises from the Japanese oil refineries at Palembang, Sumatra, Dutch East Indies after an attack by British planes from the carrier HMS Victorious, January 1945
This day in 1942, the Japanese shift their strategy to reinforce only at night during the Guadalcanal campaign.

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