Vimy Ridge April 1917


Mi Recruit
MI.Net Member
Oct 25, 2010
Vimy Ridge is a huge yet symbolic victory for the Canadians during WW1 but how strategic was this victory in the big picture of WW1?
Better late than never>>>

I found this

The German Army had recognized the strategic importance of Vimy Ridge – standing 61 metres above the surrounding plains – from the very start of the war, and had captured and occupied the position in October, 1914. Vimy not only served as a main defensive point in the Hindenburg Line, but also protected vast mine works in the Douai Plain, and the occupied city of Lens, which provided the military with valuable raw materials. From the heights of Vimy, German artillery could fire deep into the Allied lines, and the view from Vimy provided observation almost all the way to the English Channel.
Twice, in 1915 and again in 1916, first the French and then British had tried to take Vimy Ridge, and suffered devastating losses in the process. The attack by the French had resulted in more than 100,000 casualties. In the spring of 1917, the 80,000-strong Canadian Corps, with the British 5th Division for support, was ordered to make another attempt.
At daybreak on April 9, 1917 all 4 divisions of the Canadian Corps stormed Vimy Ridge. The success of this battle gave immense momentum to battles that followed. This day reminds us of the perseverance, skill and courage demonstrated by every soldier in this conflict.


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