Photos Tatamawdow - Myanmar Armed Forces


Mi Colonel
MI.Net Member
Oct 5, 2016
Myanmar Army
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Myanmar air force mig 29s.They recieved around a dozen Soviet decommissioned second-hand ones,then recently got 20 more migs from belsarus which the soviets left over when they broke up and were mothballed by belsarus.Their number stands at 31 ( after all the crashes ) and less than half of it are operational due to poor maintainance,technical skills and lack of spare parts but the rest of them are upgraded.
Myanmar is a communist country, is it not? SW

You can call them as a "minor North Korea".They may be communist headed,but they don't treat all people equally ( which is the base of communism ).They only treat the majority race and religion as humans,and persecute the others,causing all those long and never ending insurgencies and rebellions.For the same reason,they are undergoing trade and arms embargoes by NATO and UN.They even had a nuclear program and attemped to make nuclear weapons with North Korean help ( weird thing for the 23rd poorest nation )
I thought so. I am rabidly anti-communist. SW

Honestly,I'm pro-Communist.Atleast they make everyone equal and focus on the state rather than private companies while capitalism which is based on personal greed and causes indifferences between people.
In both cases,the state does its best for its people,except that its for the upper ones only in capitalism.
I have to say that from what I see in communist Russia, equality is not evident there

I don't think so.Even though,Russia may have dropped some communist laws,there is and will always be equality in Russia.Only political people have power,not rich businessmen.
Heres a video Putin wrecking the richest businessman in Russia,a multi-billioniare for mis-treating workers.( The last scene was ridiculous though )
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If you're pro commie, I choose to ignore all your posts in the future. I can't possibly say enough bad about communism. SW
I have lived a part of the life at communism, and saw equalities more than under capitalism now! People had a work, free education, medicine, we were proud of the country. And the first that has occurred when communism has fallen and there has come capitalism, it is hunger, crime, ruin, instead of the power of communists with the ideas, oligarchs with thirst of a profit have come! I don't understand than the power of oligarchs or and clans of hereditary politicians, it is better than communism?
Phoenix, you got it wrong, both communism and capitalism. By the way, there's no more communism in Russia these days, actually it never was. Socialism, yes, a police state, yes. Not communism. Communism is what the Soviet might established after the war in the Eastern block countries including mine. I won't give you history class here, only an example. How exactly do you want me to be equal with some hillbilly who doesn't know how to read because despite education being for free here where I live he didn't go to school and since then he's been leecheng off from the social system into which flow the taxes I pay from my salary because I have learned how to read not only in mine but other two languages and worked hard to get where I am now. Because I can assure you that by equal Marx didn't mean - and I can't stress this enough - you and the comrades in the leading party. Not to mention that his theory about economics is bullshit - as one would expect from someone like that. We learned the hard way what equal in communism means: the state confiscates everything you have and gives it to someone else. I'm not the upper class, remind you and I rather work 10 hours a day, pay the taxes and bitch about polititians and buy a flat, a car, guns (yeah baby :p ) a trip to the mountains than give all that away to some lowlife because the law says so. Not the guns of course, those wouldn't be allowed. As for the video above, yeah as if Putin hasn't mistreated anyone in his life. Why isn't that comrade rotting in jail? If you think that it is okay if a polititian should be the only authority, that's the base for dictatorship. Mate, I get it. You're young, idealistic... but your country went through some awful turmoils, you should know better. if there wasn't crime, hunger, ruin during the glorious days of the Soviet Union.

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