Photos Soviet-Afghan War 1979-1989

Minister of Defense Abdul Kadyr,Mohammad Najibullah-head of Afghanistan and general Valentin Varennikov who was main military advisor of Afghan Ministry of Defence(1985-1989) pictured during paradre in 1987
Is it self-made caps(from panamas for exemple) or this tipe of сарs was issued at some point?
Private Valery Didenko and his Afghan rebel captor. Private Didenko was a conscript soldier in the Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan who was captured by Afghan rebels and became the first Soviet POW ever captured after World War 2. In 1985, he returned home as part of a Red Cross prisoner exchange
GRU operators disguised as Mujahideen fighters, Afghanistan, 1980s,
View attachment 329213

Все шестнадцать, все с усами,
Только двое с бородой,
За афганцев нас не примешь,
Даже скрытых паранджой...

(с) "Каскад" - "Афганские частушки"
Collection of materials on counter-propaganda work, 1987.

Highly carry the title of citizen of the USSR. Observe Soviet laws, the requirements of the oath, military regulations, orders of commanders. Fulfill our international duty with honor.

It is forbidden to enter houses, look into windows and doors, look women in the face, and communicate uncivilly with people.

It is forbidden to take gifts, use free services of the local population.

It is forbidden to visit Afghan shops.

It is possible to cross the state border of the USSR only in the established uniform. Military secrets must be kept strictly.

Soviet law punishes smuggling (illegal export of things). Up to 10 years in prison.

Violations of public order, illegal actions in relation to the local population must not be allowed. You cannot use weapons without reason! The people of Afghanistan and their property must not be harmed.

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