Photos RAF Regiment Battle dress WW2


Mi Recruit
MI.Net Member
Jun 10, 2012
Hello everyone, I am new to this website and still finding my way around, so please be gentle with me.

Now I do hope that someone out there can settle a friendly argument we have been having this weekend.
I am ex Raf Regiment Reserve of the modern era, and over the past 3 years or so have taken up a fantastic hobby called re-enacting. I want to remember and portray the RAF Regiment as they were during 1939-45, so it is important that I dress correctly.
I already have a Khaki Battle dress, and this weekend I bought some sergeant blue rank slides and insignia to sew on, however someone has told me, and adamant, that the regiment "only wore blue" during the war.
I disagree and are sure that this is not correct. I have it on good authority that Khaki was worn from several others, including a friend who sells insignia and, I think from pictures I have seen.

Perhaps someone with a good WW2 uniform knowledge can put this baby to bed for me once and for all, as it's driving me crazy.

Welcome to MI.Net mate (Y)
Im with you on this one.

I doubt the RAF would have worn these with blue
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Hi Mick and welcome to the site.

War service dress RAF

War service dress, was the name given to the British army style battle dress and was first issued in 1940, It’s colour being blue/grey. Later in 1943, it became standard issue for all trades. This type of dress was worn until 1948 when it was significantly altered and finally went out of service in 1973. The colour of the RAF dress before 1940 I don’t know, but to me, it would seem obvious that the crews in the Middle East would have work khaki dress to blend in.

The type of fabric used for military uniforms was called ‘Defender M’ the weave having rayon threads running through it, which made it partly fire-resistant, but still had its breathable properties.

Hello all, thanks for your help, but after it started to bug me I dug a little deeper. So having just done some more searching I came across an interesting article on the BBC Peoples War by - LAC Frederick Shoesmith Service No. 1446992. (East Sussex Library)

In it he writes, "On February 1st 1942 a new regiment was formed and I became part of the Royal Airforce Regiment. We wore Kharki battle dress with the blue RAF Regiment shoulder insignia and blue berets"....

Another good site to visit is the SB (soldier blue) living history group. They show a good collection of uniforms and hats as well as other interesting material.

It's amazing what you can find if you dig deep enough!...


I can understand khaki BD being issued for a new unit, as the new blue/grey uniforms would not be in large supply.

RAF Regt

Hi Rocky,

My father in law was in the RAF in WW2 and started out like many as an ordinary RAF 'general duties' Aircraftsman, wearing the same blue uniform as everyone else. As he had no trade as such being a conscript he became a Ground Gunner manning AA gun pits on UK airfields and only later circa 1942 these roles get absorbed in to the RAF Regiment. At first there was just a badge change and the same RAF blue uniforms were used. However once they started to think about the invasion of Europe and created the 2nd TAF in 1943 to set up airstrips abroad with RAF Regt defending them, so more Army brown Battle Dress uniforms were received by these units (and the pilots too in 1944).

Later he was posted to Burma and the RAF Regt wore exactly the same jungle green uniforms and bush hat as the Army, though when they first arrived in Bombay, India they wore the Kharki drill tropical kit as used in Middle East, but often it was soo hot they only wore the shorts and boots!

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