Intro Looking for ancestors

Just found this site whilst searching for my Ancestors on my Mother's side. I was directed here by a web search for my Grandfather. I rather bad photo of a family plot in Leicestershire but I don't know where. The service number is that of of Grandfather but some of the other details don't match exactly so I'd love to know what is on this headstone. Any ideas? I'm 20,000km away in Australia so not dropping in anytime soon.
Welcome to the site @Photoman.

You might want to post in the WW1 section, it may get some more traction there, some people don't read the intro threads.

The caption says Wymeswold Cemetery, Leicestershire, you might want to start there. Then start looking at where he was buried at Ecoivres Military Cemetery, Mont-St, Eloi, France.
Welcome @Photoman

The photos in our media area are not displayed in their actual size, you need to download the photos are right click and view in a new tab to see the full images

here is the full image you refer to


This is the family memorial where this is located
Welcome to the site @Photoman

Re - George W Spicer

Hopefully once the photograph has been correctly downloaded and enlarged, all the details will be visible on this extremely old headstone.
It does state on the entries for both George William and John Edward Spicer that they are both commemorated on a family headstone in Wymeswold Cemetery, Leicestershire.
George's details were extracted from -
Good luck with your research.
Welcome to the site @Photoman.

You might want to post in the WW1 section, it may get some more traction there, some people don't read the intro threads.

The caption says Wymeswold Cemetery, Leicestershire, you might want to start there. Then start looking at where he was buried at Ecoivres Military Cemetery, Mont-St, Eloi, France.
that's a blast from the past when I used to do a lot of photography - there was an old guy who lived there who processed colour infrared slide film which was I believe was developed during WW1 - sadly when he went I could not find anyone to process either colour of B&W infrared.
Presume you're also aware of this but just in case, reference to John who's also on the memorial as killed in Egypt -

Interestingly on that, it mentions sisters Mary and HIlda and then brother Bertie - so perhaps either there was another brother or your great grandfather George was also known as Bertie?
So, collecting all this information, the inscription on the headstone can be deciphered as:

In loving memory of
my dead wife
Alice Basford Spicer
who died Feb. 23rd 1929
aged 59 years.
Rest in Peace
Also George Spicer
beloved husband of the above
who died Nov. 3 1950
aged 83 years.
Also sons of the above
PTE George W. Spicer
killed in action
March 24th 1916
PTE John E. Spicer
died from wounds Nov. 24th 1917

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