Other Post Let's hear from some of our newest members!!!


Mi Sergeant Major
MI.Net Member
Sep 19, 2009
This is for all you new people... How about giving the rest of us at MI the benefit of your observations concerning the website. Only by posting threads and comments to exsisting threads can you gain promotion points. Example: When I first joined MI, I was but a lowly Private... but now I've made it to the grade of Staff Sergeant. However, I've got a long way to go before I reach Silky's ranking...

So how about sounding off? As long as it's not subversive or excessively violent in nature, we'll probably allow it. Oh, and keep the language toned down, as nobody likes a loudmouth s&*%$@#d!!

Well said GunBunny, there are time when I think I’m the only one that visits the site. I know that I’m retired and have the time to visit the site each day, but surely other members can make the time to visit the site at least once a week and say something, even if it’s only hello.

The stats show that we have approx 250 new visitors per day and everyday, not all the registered members return for some reason and some members who do come back just dont post anything?

not sure why but it is fair to say that all your posts are read by me and all the visitors to the site, whats more I appreciate all your efforts and the time you spend here.

Nice sunny day here in Masnchester UK so im off for a beer, CHEERS!hallucinat
Well I like it here. I like reading the stories and news posts. But I'de personally like to see more descussion about equipment and so forth.
Well, I guess hearing from one new member,(maybe not so new after all), is better than not hearing from any NEW members, even though most of the responses came from other older members, except for the semi-new member who did comment on the thread about new members and not old members... remember members?

Now that I've befudled your brain cells by writing like a military instruction manual for some new piece of equipment,(I'm trying to interject some humor here concerning your post Raven Gold), onward to bigger and more confusing stuff!!

Any suggestions?

Well, I guess hearing from one new member,(maybe not so new after all), is better than not hearing from any NEW members, even though most of the responses came from other older members, except for the semi-new member who did comment on the thread about new members and not old members... remember members?

Now that I've befudled your brain cells by writing like a military instruction manual for some new piece of equipment,(I'm trying to interject some humor here concerning your post Raven Gold), onward to bigger and more confusing stuff!!

Any suggestions?


well here`s a new member saying hello. great site keep us posted i try to have a sneaky look every now and again. i`ll let you know more about me (if you want to know) after weve struck up a better relationship lol.
Welcome to the site Benny. In my opinion, it's one of the best I've ever come across. True, we get the SPAMMING BASTARDS from time to time, but there are those of us who watchdog the threads for the sneaky SOB's.

Hope you become a valued member of our unit.

Yes welcome Benny
Glad you joined us (Y)
New recruit, but not necessarily bashful!

My name is Mitch and I'm the Editor of The Griff, the magazine for the RAFPA, that's right I'm an ex 'Snowdrop'. I can produce bona fide birth certificate if required.
Like most military types I like 'good crack' and am always prepared to post a different viewpoint to start some vigorous debates.
However as the Editor of our Association Magazine I am always looking to obtain photographs, anecdotes and articles where the RAF Plice arein some connected. If any of you chaps out there can help will always be pleased to hear from you
As a member from long ago, but one who has been absent for awhile, I can say that this site still offers what it always had when I first came here, honest and knowledgeable presentation of information and personal experiences and first rate photos and mutual respect, between members and the administration. Andy and Silky and others are to be complimented for still running a tight ship in a sea of disrespect that the internet seems to be overrun with. And of course, keeping the spammers, trolls and hackers at bay is no small feat either and I'm sure the expenses have grown over the years as well. All in all, this site is still one to emulate, in my opinion.
Semper Fi, Scott

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