You know, I was trying to pin down exactly why I haven't been 'round these parts as often. It's true that my job changed and I've been on the road. But more than that - I think that all this social upheaval stuff went from being kind of a fringe thing in the early 2000's to being in my $@# face 24/7 by about 2010 or so. Christ that's already a long time ago.
I used to love going online - here in particular - and poking at people with a stick. But it got to where my daughters grew up - went to college - and became flaming lefties. Yeah, yeah, stop laughing. If they attend any kind of college, it's inevitable. Safe spaces, micro-aggressions, the male gaze, gender fluid ethically sourced free range bathrooms, sweet tapdancing Jesus I've had to run the full gauntlet of meaningless, self-serving virtue signalling every day. Appearing to care more than the other person is their $#%ing currency. Woe be onto him who strays from the approvedthink into the "problematic" An example;
So as a joke a few years back, I bought the charming and attractive Mrs _Jackson some "Trump coffee". This particular blend is mild and she likes mild, so she's been buying it ever since. It's this stuff:
As Christmas approaches, the family has a Christmas wish list phone txt string going...and She posted that she wanted more Trump coffee. My oldest daughter gets all huffy "sorry but I'm not buying that". So, naturally, I asked for;
...and oh jeeez, I'm just the worst person ever. These people have no sense of humor. I know damn well that my daughter laughed when she saw it, but oh, no, we must constantly hammer home the party line. you see, my battles with asshattery have sadly moved squarely into my actual life- and by the time I get to the computer, I just want peace and tranquility. I gotta work on that.