Keep Working Brothers'


Mi Captain
MI.Net Member
Feb 19, 2010
Russian Robocop' defies raging Islamists with death stare as he tells colleagues ''keep working brothers'' moments before execution
WARNING: DISTRESSING FOOTAGE. Magomed Nurbagandov was forced on his knees and had his hands tied behind his back but refused to yield to the savage murderer
  • 18:56, 12 SEP 2016
  • UPDATED15:58, 14 SEP 2016


A defiant police officer dubbed the 'Russian Robocop' has become a national hero after refusing to yield to Islamist terrorist demands on camera.

Brave Magomed Nurbagandov flatly refused to tell colleagues of his to stop fighting and instead gave his twisted captors a chilling death stare as he calmly declared: "Keep working brothers", seconds before he was blasted to death.

The 31-year-old had a gun pointed at him and had been forced to his knees by terrorists who moments before had raided a camp in the woods where he had been staying off-duty with his cousin in Dagestan, Russia, on July 10.

The four militants murdered Magomed's cousin in front of him and then discovered the pair's police identification and immediately pulled out their mobile phones and began recording.


Magomed looks his captors square in the face
After forcing proud Magomed to his knees and tying his hands behind his back, the savages then demanded he tell colleagues to quit their jobs.

Russian 'Rambo' revealed as dad-to-be Alexander Prokhorenko who bravely called airstrike on himself as ISIS thugs surrounded him
Despite his four attackers brandishing lethal weapons, Magomed fired back an ice-cold stare and replied: "Keep on working, brothers. What else is there to say?"

His raging attackers then aimed there weapons at a still defiant Magomed and shot him in the head - killing him instantly.


The police officer had his hands tied behind his back
An edited portion of the footage - showing the murder and the officer on his knees - was uploaded to an Islamist website where Ihadis reported in gleeful detail about the murders.

However, the truth soon came to light when a crack unit of anti-terror officers smashed the terror gang in two separate raids last week and discovered the full version of the video on their mobiles.

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Иван Соколов @strecha75

Земля тебе пухом.Ты настоящий мужчина и герой.Магомед Нурбагандов.

The four terrorists were stopped by a heavily-armed police team and authorities in Russia are now working on ensuring Magomed is given a posthumous award.

Irina Volk, spokesperson for the Russian Interior Ministry, said: "In days to come, the leadership of the ministry will meet with Magomed Nurbagandov’s family to personally thank his parents for bringing up such a decent son."

The man that killed the Nurbagandov cousins was identified as Magomed Khalimbekov, 32, the leader of a militant group, the police said.


(Photo: YouTube)
He was killed by police but two of his suspected accomplices were arrested.

News of the police officer's heroics come just months after a Russian soldier was lauded across the world for his bravery.

Dubbed the 'Russian Rambo', Aleksandr Prokhorenko was surrounded by ISIS terrorists in the Syrian city of Palmyra when he called an air strike on himself.

The soldier knew his time was up but told superiors he wanted to take Islamist killers with him





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