Harry Hammond 9 Para Sqdn RE


Mi Sergeant Major
MI.Net Member
Apr 12, 2005
Henry (Harry) Hammond​
12th March – 24th June 2009​
Harry was born in Hove, Sussex on 12th March 1926. He joined up at the end of September 1944 and did his initial training with the Buffs and East Surrey Regiment at Canterbury. He then went to Aldershot for Corps training in the Royal Engineers.

He volunteered for Airborne forces in February 1945 and was posted to 1st Parachute Squadron R.E. in 1st Airborne Div. At that time this Division, seriously weakened after Arnhem, were re-occupying Norway.

Subsequently British Airborne Forces were reorganized and 1st Div disbanded. Harry was transferred to 9th Airborne Squadron R.E. which became 9th Parachute Squadron. He was then posted to Palestine where 6th Airborne were fulfilling a difficult and thankless peace keeping role. Harry served there till 1947 and was closely involved in conflict with Jewish terrorists. His unit had a regular dangerous journey to Beersheba for water, and were also employed in clearing up after the bombing of the King David hotel in Jerusalem.

Harry was self employed in Australia and had been a long time member of BAFA, he will be sadly missed.
R.I.P., Harry. Sincere thanks for all your service. sal;
R.I.P., Harry.

Airborne All the Way, my Older Brother!

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