The Para's

Evocative videos, great find droney (Y)
Nice clips Droney!(Y)
(methinks you spend far too much time on youtube!;) )
How ya doing BB camo;

Methinks me spends far too much time at work and not enough on my PC!

Keeping well, Bomby! (Y)

Just returned from a 4 week trip to South Africa and need to work off all that extra body gained from excessive daily (and nightly) dosing of red meat and red wine!

Need to sort out some old SADF pics, scan and post as well!camo;
Need to sort out some old SADF pics, scan and post as well!camo;

Look forward to it mate.
Is it possible to have too much red meat and wine ? (Y)<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
Why do these films have to have the bone music? It doesn't make it any tougher? Loved the milling sequence!