Intro Greetings from Finland


Mi Sergeant
MI.Net Member
Feb 9, 2005
Hello all !
I'm old guy (39 now) from Finland and i have done my conscript service time in Navy back in 1985-86. That's long time behind, but i love to collect military photo's and specially videos. Mostly from Finland but also every other nation. I've noticed that besides US military, videos are hard to find. At the moment i'm interested in Navy & Special Forces videos and pics, but every other branch is ok too, so if you know any good links to videos, please put them up here. I will put up few here. :P
Oh, i did find this site from a link at forums.
Welcome buddy and thanks for joining.
39 thats not old, im 39 and I can tell ya that there are even older here.
Anyway look forward to seeing you pictures and posts.

Hi Mineman, welcome to the site, old at 39 god i wish i was 39 again :D 52 and counting but who is. :mrgreen:
Welcome to you!
I'm 40 and now definitely not the baby of the gang!
Our American friends - well, they're old!! (sorry guys heh, heh, heh :mrgreen: )
Welcome mineman. your just a young wipper snapper compared to me. :lol:
Hey, my grandson is a Finn. Well, actually his name is Finnegan and we call him Finn :lol: . Jeez, if you think 39 is old, at 58 you must think I'm a real relic :mrgreen: . welc. to the site. Looking forward to your posts. ENJOY!
So all that "old and wise" stuff i was about to say stays in my mouth now. :oops: :mrgreen:
It's just that in some other sites i have visited i've been one of the oldest, this sure is welcome change!
mineman65 said:
It's just that in some other sites i have visited i've been one of the oldest, this sure is welcome change!

Yes we are unique in that we have attracted a more mature member list and mainly from a serving or ex serving background. Of course all who are interested in the Military are welcome, whatever their age.

Dear mineman65,

Welcom and greetings from the Netherlands welc.
Mineman, Most definitely welcome to the finest site on the net from the(at last reckoning) oldest member. welc. clwn; clwn;
Hello mineman65 :)
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Welcome mineman65. I'm nearly double your age but still young at heart. Silky sal; army; sal;
I apologize for being slow to welcome you, but I am glad your here. The pictures you post are fascinating and, I'm ashamed to say, have informed me of Finland's history I had very little knowledge of. Great work

Rotorwash (same vintage as Frisco, I have a daughter almost your age.)
Tervetuloa... Silli! :mrgreen:

In English Welcome... Baltic Heering! (--> a fish = a sailor)

:mrgreen: Hi Wingu. We used to say "harmaa hiirulainen" (grey mouse)or "harmaata massaa" (grey mass) about army guys, but i'm not saying it now... :D
Welcome to

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