Photos Aussies and Kiwi's in Vietnam

Nui Dat, South Vietnam. August 1971. Water and mud fly as Private James Marshall of Subiaco, WA, a member of 1st Ordnance Field Park detachment with the 1st Australian Task Force (1ATF), using a high-pressure steam cleaner, hoses down a 52 ton Centurion tank due for shipment back to Australia. Quarantine regulation necessitate a thorough wash-down for all vehicles to remove any organic material they may have picked up while in Vietnam.

South Vietnam. 1967. Three sets of eyes are better than one. Left to right: Private (Pte) Roger Portlock of Tallangatta Valley, Vic; Sergeant (Sgt) Stewart Smerdon of Grovely, Qld, and Corporal (Cpl) Barry Ruttle of Fairfield, NSW, keep a sharp watch on Viet Cong territory below them. Pte Portlock and Sgt Smerdon are from A Company, the 6th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (6RAR), and Cpl Ruttle is from 5RAR. They are based at the Horseshoe, an extinct 100ft volcano, which has been turned into a fortified outpost east of the 1st Australian Task Force (1ATF) Headquarters at Nui Dat, in Phuoc Tuy Province.

South Vietnam. 1967. Aboard HMAS Sydney, troops from 7th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (7RAR), wait to board Chinook helicopters from the 147th Assault Support Helicopter Company based at Vung Tau. They were lifted to Nui Dat, Headquarters of the 1st Australian Task Force (1ATF), based in Phuoc Tuy Province.

Nui Dat, Vietnam. 1967-10. Troops of 2RAR /NZ (ANZAC) (The ANZAC Battalion comprising 2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment and a component from the 1st Battalion, Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment), parade at their base to mark their unit's 22nd birthday. The troops were reviewed by Brigadier Stuart Graham (centre), with Commanding Officer of 2RAR, Lieutenant Colonel (Chick) N. R. Charlesworth of Canberra, ACT (right). A tracker dog from 2RAR was also present.

Nui Dat, Vietnam. 1967-11. Queensland Returned Services League (RSL) `Girl in a Million', Katrina Chijoff, in an informal reunion with four officers of 2RAR /NZ (ANZAC) (The ANZAC Battalion comprising 2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment and a component from the 1st Battalion, Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment), at the Australian Task Force (ATF) base on a verandah outside the officers' mess. She and her sister, Lana, who is chaperone for the world tour which was part of the RSL prize, were frequent guests at the socials held by the battalion when it was based at Enoggera, Qld. Left to right: Lieutenant Mike Kinsella of Nedlands, WA, Lana, Lieutenant Murray Fletcher of Albion, Qld, Katrina, Lieutenant Kevin McTaggart of Manly, Qld, and Captain Chris Schlyder of Morningside, Qld.

Nui Dat, Vietnam. 1967-11. Queensland's Returned Services League (RSL) `Girl in a Million', Katrina Chijoff, dining with members of 2RAR /NZ (ANZAC) (The ANZAC Battalion comprising 2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment and a component from the 1st Battalion, Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment). Katrina visited the Battalion with her sister, Lana, as part of her world tour, won during the `Girl in a Million' competition. She is seen here talking to a visiting US Army colonel. On her left is the Commanding Officer of 2RAR, Lieutenant-Colonel N. R. (Chick) Charlesworth.
Nui Dat, South Vietnam. 1968-03-28. Enjoying a barbecue at 1 Ordnance Field Park with the 1st Australian Task Force (1ATF), is the Director of Army Ordnance Services, Brigadier E. C. Lord (centre). With him are, left to right: officer in charge of the Field Park, Captain Mike Clarke of Holsworthy, NSW, Corporal Ken Jones of Davistown, NSW, Corporal Elwyn Spencer of Campbelltown, NSW, and Private Allan Ham of Guildford, NSW. The inspection and familiarisation tour by Brigadier Lord was his first of Vietnam.

Nui Dat, South Vietnam. 1968-04. Major General Charles M. Duke, Chief Engineer US Army, inspects a disected B41 (RPG 7) rocket inside a building during a visit to 1st Field Squadron, Royal Australian Engineers (RAE) at the 1st Australian Task Force (1ATF) Base. Left to right: Lieutenant Colonel D. Engel of Sydney, NSW, Australian Force Engineer; Major General M. Duke; Warrant Officer J. Turner of St Mary's, NSW, Squadron Sergeant Major, 1st Field Squadron; and Major J. H. Kemp, Officer Commanding 1st Field Squadron.

Nui Dat, South Vietnam. July 1971. On 1 August ten 105mm artillery rounds will be fired to mark the 100th birthday of operational service of A Field Battery, 12th Field Regiment. Bombardier Peter Watson, 19, of Warrnambool, Vic, a member of the gun team is seen here preparing the brass cartridges which hold the rounds. The rounds will be fired by the Commander, Australian Force Vietnam (AFV), Major General D. B. Dunstan, senior officers of the 1st Australian Task Force (1ATF) and members of the battery.

Nui Dat, Vietnam. 1967-10. Television personality, Patti McGrath speaks by radio with gunners of 131st Divisional Locating Battery, Royal Australian Artillery (RAA), who were stationed at outposts away from the 1st Australian Task Force (1ATF) base. Patti and fellow Melbourne entertainers Denise Drysdale and The Strangers were part of a Government sponsored concert party which toured all Australian bases entertaining the troops. Assisting Patti with the radio is Bombardier Vic Danko of Newcastle, NSW. (Black and white version held as CAM/67/0894/VN)

8 May 1969. Repair work being carried out in the field by a mobile repair team of the 106th Field Workshops, Royal Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (RAEME) south of Nui Dat. The Centurion tank (right) is being repaired after hitting a mine. The repair team replaced a suspension assembly, idler wheel, and repaired the track in an operation that took about eight hours to complete. The mobile workshop team travels in an adapted M113A1 tracked carrier (left) known as a Repair Fitters Vehicle (note the crane), which carries spare parts, tools and the five man team.
Nui Dat, South Vietnam. 1969-11. The Chief of the General Staff, Lieutenant General (Lt Gen) Sir Thomas Daly of Canberra, ACT (centre), visited 3rd Special Air Service (SAS) Squadron, which is part of the 1st Australian Task Force (1ATF) Base, during his six-day tour. Among the troops he found relaxing was, Private George Mach of Claremont, WA (fair hair, fair mo, bukoo tattoos on arms). He was accompanied by Major Reg Beesley, Officer Commanding 3 Special Air Service (SAS) Squadron (left).

Nui Dat, South Vietnam. 1969-11. The Chief of the General Staff (CGS), Lieutenant General (Lt Gen) Sir Thomas Daly of Canberra, ACT (centre), visited 3rd Special Air Service (SAS) Squadron, which is part of the 1st Australian Task Force (1ATF) Base, during his six-day tour. Among the troops he found relaxing was, Private George Mach of Claremont, WA (fair hair, fair mo, bukoo tattoos on arms). Accompanying the CGS is Major Reg Beesley, Officer Commanding 3 Special Air Service (SAS) Squadron (short man with SAS beret), and Brigadier Stuart Weir of Braddon, ACT (right).

Nui Dat, South Vietnam. 1969-11. The Chief of the General Staff, Lieutenant General (Lt Gen) Sir Thomas Daly of Canberra, ACT, sitting down on sandbags listening as Private (Pte) Paul Saxton of Gloucester, England, UK, talks about life with the 3rd Special Air Service Squadron while Lance Corporal Thomas Bradshaw of East Fremantle, WA (third from left) and Pte George Mach of Claremont, WA (right) look on. Lt Gen Daly visited the Squadron, which is part of the 1st Australian Task Force (1ATF) Base, during his six-day tour.

South Vietnam. 1969-10. RAAF Caribou aircraft of No. 35 Squadron were used to air-lift Australian troops from the field to their Nui Dat base. It was the first time the Caribou have been used in this role because the troops, members of 5th battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment (5RAR), had been operating near the village of Xuyen Moc, east of the Task Force base, which had a grass strip capable of taking fixed wing aircraft. Weary troops move towards the aircraft after a month in the field.

Nui Dat, South Vietnam. August 1971. Engineers of 17 Construction Squadron held a graduation ceremony for four South Vietnamese students they have been voluntarily teaching the basics of engineering. For the past few months the soldiers have been giving the youths lessons on aspects of fitting and turning, vehicle mechanics, plant operation and electrical mechanics. Warrant Officer Class 1 Max Wood of Penrith, NSW (centre), a plant supervisor with the Squadron, is seen with Ho Van Minh (left) and Tran Van Hong as they proudly display their certificates.

Nui Dat, South Vietnam. June 1970. The Sydney Sun newspaper-man-in-Vietnam, journalist Keith Willey, boards a RAAF Iroquois helicopter at the 1st Australian Task Force (1ATF) base, to accompany soldiers on operations against the enemy. On this occasion he was with soldiers of 2RAR /NZ (ANZAC) (The ANZAC Battalion comprising 2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment and a component from the 1st Battalion, Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment), (?on Operation Ashfield) their first operation since arriving in Vietnam last month.

Near Nui Dat, South Vietnam. June 1970. Gunners of the 107th Field Battery form a chain gang to load artillery rounds into the back of an armoured personnel carrier (APC) before moving into the west of Phuoc Tuy Province for an operation against the enemy. The APCs towed the 105mm Howitzers from the 1st Australian Task Force (1ATF) to a fire support base for the 2RAR /NZ (ANZAC) (The ANZAC Battalion comprising 2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment and a component from the 1st Battalion, Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment), now on its first operation (?Operation Ashfield) since returning for its second tour.

Nui Dat, South Vietnam. June 1970. Private (Pte) Neville Hanson of Gympie, Qld, is training a South Vietnamese bushman scout in the art of weapon handling with the M60 machine gun. Pte Hanson is serving with 2RAR /NZ (ANZAC) (The ANZAC Battalion comprising 2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment and a component from the 1st Battalion, Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment), based on Route 15. 2RAR has set up road blocks to check vehicles and travellers for suspected Viet Cong and draft-dodgers.

Nui Dat, South Vietnam. July 1970. Corporal Derek Downing of Mosman Park, WA (left), and Craftsman Chris Banner of Yarloop, WA, are both soldiers of the 161st Independent Reconnaissance Flight, who spend their working hours repairing and maintaining the Army's light aircraft. For after hours relaxation, they have formed a model aircraft club, and regularly fly their scale models on Luscombe airfield, against a backdrop of RAAF, United States Air Force and Army aircraft taking off and landing on tactical missions over Phuoc Tuy Province. In the background is an Army Pilatus Porter aircraft as the two soldiers start a light racing model.


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