That's pretty much a true story. For my year with the 101st, I pretty much lived like a dog. In fact, I sometimes saw scout dogs living better than me. Most of our time was spent in Indian Country. We were almost never given any stand down time in a ville, town or city. I say "almost" because there was a couple of exceptions. Our Christmas '66 stand down was just outside of Kontum City in II Corps in the Central Highlands. I did have an opportunity to go into town for a little I&I :mrgreen: . The stand down was at an ARVN Airborne or Ranger base camp and, for the most part, was considered secure. The stand down was about a week. It was the longest one we had had since I joined them 6mos. earlier. They were probably glad to see us leave. One of our LRRPs got in a beef with some ARVNs in a bar and shot up 3 of them, killing one.
The other time was when we were pulled back to Phan Rang the end of JAN67 to get re-equipped. There was a Sin City just outside the gate. It was about a 2 block long main drag with bars and cat houses on each side of the street. Made it in there a couple of times with buddies to have a little down time, not necessarily authorized. Then, for me personally, I had my 2 weeks spent in Saigon where I had some SERIOUS I&I time. These were the only times that I was able to spend a little free time drinking on the local economy and spend some intimate time with the local ladies.
I had heard stories about an authorized 3 day in-country R&R. If I remember right, it was spent at Vung Tau on the coast at the mouth of the Saigon River. I NEVER met one grunt that ever got this. It must have been a perk for the REMFs. I guess the Marines had something similar at China Beach in Danang.
When I returned with the 82nd and ended up in I Corps, it was like you.....NEVER made it into a town. Later, when I was put on convoy security out of Cam Rahn, I convoyed to a couple of places that had Sin Cities nearby. Cam Rahn, which was HUGE, had one within it's perimeter. Ban Me Thuot was another one that had a "Strip" nearby. Yeah, I liked being a REMF ALOT more than being a grunt.