My father is to blame. Years ago there was a popular TV series called The NightStalker. It was about a washed up news reporter who reported on strange happenings mostly at night. I enjoyed the show and the unkown. I mostly worked nights and when off I would stay on my routine. I have always enjoyed the night ,I felt as if I might miss some magical happenings . I would go backpack camping, fishing or hunting all night then watch the sunrise, it was special. I had several friends who were Special Forces, so I got involved in alot of night maneuvers and ambush tactics. Eventually I would worked 16 1\2 years in a printing plant, 13 years on 3rd shift and half of that in a camera darkroom equipped with red safelights. This is when I became a creature of the night. My dad knew guys I worked with and they talked about me being a night owl, and my dad corrected them that I had worked as a night crew stocker and I was a Night Stocker not a night owl. Loose translation: NIGHT STALKER..... Now after 2 major injuries and 1 surgery I find sleeping sometimes down right painful , I can't sleep laying down so thank God for recliners. I feel that I am going to miss something so why sleep. I burn alot of midnight oil , so Remember when you are alone and you hear a bump in the night, it could very well be me the .....NIGHTSTALKER reading up on history.