Politics Team Biden created disaster on southern US border

Plain Insanity

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I thought this would turn out like it did, with the Rio Grande being a national border as well as the state of Texas I am sure there is some easement involved. It's like all our many states with beach front, most of those states do not allow building or ownership within so many feet of a beach. Some people in Galveston built some nice stilt homes along the Galveston shoreline and too close to the beach, the owners got a bit too cocky and had heavy equipment come in and dump concrete destruction scrap along the beach to keep the citizens from boating and other activities. The state of Texas came in and removed all the dangerous trash the property owners had paid to dump along the beach and sent them the bill, if they refused to pay their homes would be confiscated. They paid ! Galveston is shrinking about a half an inch per year but the shore line shrinks drastically with the bad hurricanes. There is still flooded land mass on the back edge of the island around the causeway due to the last bad hurricane.
Thanks to Xiden, this border crisis has blown into a full constitutional crisis.

so if the NG continues to follow orders, it would seem the only thing for biden to do would be to deploy federal troops in a confrontation, that could go bad, but admittedly, probably would not. the NG would slink out of there with Gov Abbott mute and powerless.
however, if by chance there was an armed conflict between federals and the NG, that would be a good chance for biden to declare a REAL armed insurrection and thereby declare martial law and suspend the upcoming elections....
regardless its an excellent moment for biden to declare the entire government of Texas as criminals at worst, or at least as just more of Trumpy's fascist anti American henchmen....
seems like a win-win either way for the leftist democraps power grab.
he could activate the Texas branch of the National Socialist Democratic Antifa Party and make it look like he's responding to a request for help from the citizenry after the fascist anti-fascist thugs whip up some fires.
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I can see how this will be recuperated by the Dems though.

Painting these states and anybody supporting Texas, in any ways, shapes or forms, as dangerous anti-democratic, treasonous, nazi, confederate, white supremacists.

"They are a threat to our democracy and a threat to our constitution and to the United States, they stand against our country!"
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Time they seek and hold a vote on leaving and becoming Independant
Thanks to Xiden, this border crisis has blown into a full constitutional crisis.

If those idiots in DC attempt to take control of the National Guard of Texas you will see a lot of the Guard tell them to pound sand, this is their home and they will protect it because they do not have an oath to protect the law breaker biden. I would love to see DC attempt to take control of the Texas Guard, it would show just how trust worthy the Texas Guard is. They will stand with Governor Abbot.
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so if the NG continues to follow orders, it would seem the only thing for biden to do would be to deploy federal troops in a confrontation, that could go bad, but admittedly, probably would not. the NG would slink out of there with Gov Abbott mute and powerless.
however, if by chance there was an armed conflict between federals and the NG, that would be a good chance for biden to declare a REAL armed insurrection and thereby declare martial law and suspend the upcoming elections....
regardless its an excellent moment for biden to declare the entire government of Texas as criminals at worst, or at least as just more of Trumpy's fascist anti American henchmen....
seems like a win-win either way for the leftist democraps power grab.
"Maybe, maybe not. I don't know.", as we used to say.

Here's the problem. Abbott and the other governors have directly defied the orders of the Feds because TX wants to follow the US law while the Feds want to break US law. Anyone who is thinking knows that Biden & Co will brand them as traitors and go after them far harder than they went after Trump. Also, if some elements of the NG refuse to be federalized and side with TX, they will be court martialed for failure to obey a lawful order and possibly treason. For those very reasons, Abbott and his supporters, including those in the NG, might feel that their best option is to push through this, no matter what the consequences. Also, unlike 1960-1990, the NG does have a reasonable amount of advanced training and combat experience. Some units may even have more than their active duty counterparts, depending on the branch.

If Biden backs down, he and the Feds may be viewed as weak so they feel that they can't afford to back down. We've gotten to the point that no matter how this goes, it doesn't end well.
"Maybe, maybe not. I don't know.", as we used to say.

Here's the problem. Abbott and the other governors have directly defied the orders of the Feds because TX wants to follow the US law while the Feds want to break US law. Anyone who is thinking knows that Biden & Co will brand them as traitors and go after them far harder than they went after Trump. Also, if some elements of the NG refuse to be federalized and side with TX, they will be court martialed for failure to obey a lawful order and possibly treason. For those very reasons, Abbott and his supporters, including those in the NG, might feel that their best option is to push through this, no matter what the consequences. Also, unlike 1960-1990, the NG does have a reasonable amount of advanced training and combat experience. Some units may even have more than their active duty counterparts, depending on the branch.

If Biden backs down, he and the Feds may be viewed as weak so they feel that they can't afford to back down. We've gotten to the point that no matter how this goes, it doesn't end well.
the glaring difference between the dems and repubs these days, is that if the situation was reversed, ALL the dems, all of those on the left would be in absolute IRON lockstep about their support.... they would be screaming their solidarity from the lowest to the highest, they would ALL be hammering it home EVERY chance they got, and if they didnt have a chance, they would MANUFACTURE some way of getting the message out... this isnt happening, at all, on the republican "right" side, not even close. it just shows how weak and vacillate they are, hand wringing, sitting on the sidelines hoping they can see which way the wind blows before doing or saying something.... the right needs to have EVERY ounce of their propaganda machine out, every single republican, anyone/everyone on the right needs to be screaming their message and solidarity, and framing the message the way THEY want it to be heard, not letting the left dictate, not just REACT to whatever the left does...
its insanely frustrating to witness.
whatever happens, its my prediction that the right will go out with a whimper....

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