Photos Military Art

The Shield of Achilles by Rundell Bridge, 1822
The Shield of Achilles.webp

This silver-gilt shield was inspired by the one made for Achilles by Hephaestus in the Iliad, and sees Apollo in the centre surrounded by stars and female figures representing the constellations with scenes from human life encircling these.
“Battle of Britain Day”


15 September 1940 was a turning point in the Second World War. This was the day on which Hitler was left in no doubt that his Luftwaffe not only had failed to achieve the decisive air superiority over the Royal Air Force that he needed to mount a cross-Channel invasion of Britain - but was coming off worst in the conflict.
20 Sept 1944, men of the US 504th PIR, 82nd Airborne, cross the Waal river. 48 paratroopers were killed during the crossing, others successfully captured the north end of the Nijmegen road bridge. It is considered one of the bravest acts of Operation Market Garden
"Air Troop - SAS" by Stuart Brown

A four-man patrol of 22 SAS Regiment perform a HALO (High Altitude, Low Opening) freefall insertion from a C-130 Hercules transporter at 25,000ft.
This painting by official Australian war artist Sergeant George Browning, who served in New Guinea, dramatically conveys the difficulties that Australian regulars and militia (not to mention their Japanese enemy) had in trying to maneuver through the steep, steamy, disease-ridden jungles of New Guinea and along the Kokoda Trail, deemed by many as one of the worst environments of the entire war.
New-Guinea Australians.webp

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