Photos Military Art

The Hood

Mi Corporal
MI.Net Member
Apr 11, 2017
I love to see art work like these by the artist Stuart Brown


Explosive ordnance disposal specialists are the Army’s preeminent tactical and technical explosives experts.


The 82nd Airborne Division – ‘America’s Guard of Honor’ – is one of the most powerful forces in the US military arsenal.


The Household Cavalry Regiment has been heavily committed to operations throughout Helmand, Southern Afghanistan since 2006, conducting long-range reconnaissance, security and stabilisation tasks.
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Great post I like this one by Stuart Brown Titled Longstop Hill
These prints can be purchased from the website of Stuart Brown



8th (Argyllshire) Battalion The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.

In Tunisia, strong resistance on Longstop Hill blocked the Allied advance on Tunis. On 23 April 1943 the 8th Battalion launched their attack supported by tanks of the North Irish Horse.

On approach, the Commanding Officer and his headquarters were killed. 25 year old Major ‘Jack’ Anderson assumed command. Despite a leg wound, he led the uphill assault, personally overcoming several enemy machine gun posts and mortar positions. The toll was heavy, reducing the Battalion to about 44 officers and men, but the objective was taken with 200 prisoners.

For his gallant leadership, Anderson was awarded the Victoria Cross. He was killed in action in Italy some months later.
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Here is an older sketch I found on the IWM website

Caen. © IWM (Art.IWM ART LD 4513)IWM Non Commercial Licence

Object description
image: a view along a street in Caen which has been almost wholly demolished. Large piles of rubble lie amongst ruined facades of buildings along either side of the road. In the foreground there is a small area marked with four wooden crosses with German helmets laid at their base, surrounded by a low chain fence. Standing text to the crosses is a wooden sign marked with an arrow pointing downwards and German gothic text.

History note
War Artists Advisory Committee commission

Stephen Bone 1944
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FROZEN - Battle of the Chosin Reservoir, November, 1950 - painting by Ken Smith


“At about 0020…the enemy broke through one platoon area and penetrated as far as the company CP. Pandemonium ensued, with the sound of Chinese trumpets and whistles adding to the confusion. It became difficult to distinguish friend from foe. Observers reported tracer bullets were so thick they lighted up the darkness like Christmas trees. Some enemy troops made their way far enough inside to surround the battalion CP, the portable galley, and the provision tent. But once inside the battalion lines, the Chinese disintegrated into looting groups. They were either killed or captured.”

– William B. Hopkins, One Bugle No Drums
Wow, this is some nice stuff.....I've never seen any of these before, lovely work I say!! (Y)
'What Matters Most' by artist Stuart Brown, commissioned by Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps.

During Operation GRITROCK in Sierra Leone from 2014-15, personnel from the UK Defence Medical Services and the Royal Canadian Medical Service provided clinical care for Ebola patients that was both advanced and compassionate despite the hazardous and arduous nature of the work involved.
Constitution escapes the British squadron.
The boats of USS Constitution towing her in a calm, while she was being pursued by a squadron of British warships, 18 July 1812. Painting by Anton Otto Fischer.
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