Intro Hi! Is this about Army?

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MI.Net Member
Dec 15, 2019
My name is Andrey..
I was born in 1967 in the USSR
I grew up in the USSR, and Army the Border Troops 1985-1987 and fought in 1991 ..
is this an american forum?
I lived in America since 1999 and I know American traditions ..
Now I live in Russia ..
I prefer to live in the Forest.
sometimes I go online.
let's discuss?
If this forum has Moderation and lack of Freedom of Speech, then I will leave immediately ..
Sorry, I'm talking using Google translator (American translation program) or Yandex translator (Russian translation system)
Welcome Andrey,

The site is owned by a British person @Bombardier

There's a small team of mods but since our membership is very well mannered, there's isn't much moderation task to do.

We have freedom of speech, but posting anything racist/bigoted is frowned upon, posting gore like beheading or decapitated heads are strictly forbidden. If you can follow these simple rules you'll fit in.

Enjoy the ride.
Welcome Andrey,

The site is owned by a British person @Bombardier

There's a small team of mods but since our membership is very well mannered, there's isn't much moderation task to do.

We have freedom of speech, but posting anything racist/bigoted is frowned upon, posting gore like beheading or decapitated heads are strictly forbidden. If you can follow these simple rules you'll fit in.

Enjoy the ride.
Thank you, I understand your rules ...
(You don’t have to say who owns the site ... hehe ..)
I so far put a “warning” on the avatar, since any British citizen must behave carefully in order to communicate with me ... hehe ..
my photos from the Soviet Army..

I don’t understand how to insert Photos and Videos on this forum program?
to be precise..
This forum platform is very old.
it requires a URL, but not a simple insertion of files from a computer ..
It would have been interesting to observe and to get to know what goes on in his head.

At least chip on the shoulder and superiority complex became clear in just few messages.
I doubt it.

Funny how he claimed to have lived in the US yet needs an online translator to post in English ... :rolleyes:

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