Intro Hello from The Netherlands

Lin Treadgold

Mi Recruit
MI.Net Member
Aug 30, 2009
I am a writer and have decided to open a box which has been in my family for over 60 years. It contains all the letters my father wrote from the time he joined up with the Green Howards in 1939 until he was demobbed in 1946 as unfit for army service due to being a prisoner of war.

I live in the Netherlands and I hope to be writing another novel soon about the research I am yet to discover - how exciting!

Hi Lin and welcome to the site. Wish you all the best with your Book. Still trying to get my last four books published.

Hi Lin, a belated welcome from my homestead to yours...this is truly a brilliant site, so sit back and explore the many threads. sal;cheers Katy
Welcome to MI!! I'm a US Army veteran of 6 years active duty, (Cold War;1977-1984). I realize that looks like 7 years, but that's because I took 60 days off between enlistments, without losing any rank! 3 years in Field Artillery, 3 years in Engineers.

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