Mil News Gurkha beats off 30 Taliban

John A Silkstone

Mi General
MI.Net Member
Jul 11, 2004
A Gurkha who single-handedly fought off up to 30 Taliban fighters at his base in Afghanistan has been awarded the Conspicuous Gallantry Cross. The honour is just one level down from the Victoria Cross.

Acting Sergeant Dip Pun, 31, ran out of ammunition and at one point had to use the tripod of his machine gun to beat away a fighter climbing the walls of the compound near Babaji in Helmand Province.

The soldier fired more than 400 rounds, launched 17 grenades and detonated a mine to thwart the Taliban assault on his checkpoint last September.

Acting Sgt Pun was on sentry duty when he heard a clinking noise outside the small base.

He initially thought the noise might be a donkey or a cow but soon found it to be rebels digging a trench to lay an improvised explosive device (IED) at the checkpoint's front gate.

He realised at that point that he was completely surrounded and that the Taliban were about to launch a well-planned attempt to overrun the compound.

The Taliban then opened fire from all sides, destroying the sentry position where the Gurkha had been on duty minutes before and kept up their attack for more than 15 minutes.

The brave soldier said he thought the assault would never end and "nearly collapsed" when it was over.

"As soon as it was confirmed (they were) Taliban, I was really scared," he recalled.

"But as soon as I opened fire that was gone - before they kill me I have to kill some. I thought they were going to kill me after a couple of minutes, definitely."

A total of 136 servicemen and women - most of whom served with 4 Mechanized Brigade in Afghanistan between April and October last year - were awarded honours, four posthumously.

Among them, was Army medic Corporal Isobel Henderson, 24, who was awarded an MBE for her bravery and dedication treating wounded British troops and Afghans at a checkpoint which was almost constantly under attack.

The 5ft 2ins servicewoman had to carry her own weight in kit when she left the checkpoint north of Lashkar Gah in Helmand which she shared with 20 Scots Guardsmen and 15 Afghan police.

She faced an unprecedented number of casualties - including a bomb attack on a bus packed with Afghan women and children.

She said: "It doesn't really sink in until you lie there afterwards and think 'that was a busy day and I'm pretty chuffed to have been noticed for what I've done and be proud of the award that I've got'".

Many of those who were honoured, dedicated their own awards to comrades who had died on tour - and to those who continue to serve all over the world.
Excellent News. GO GHURKHA'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Interesting story title. Won't go any further with it.:eek:

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