Other Post Do you think society will get better this decade?

The media is getting paid by governments, politicians and corporations. The government is getting paid by corporations, mafia and is elected(in most places). And the scientists are paid by the government or corporations.
Why would i believe blindly any of them ? They give me no reason.
A knockout argument is never a good way to begin a discussion such as this. They're all paid by "governments, politicians and corporations"? Literally all of them – you've checked all their bank accounts?

Besides, mate, you kind of skipped over the part where I said I'd detail causes and effects not make a political statement. I certainly didn't advocate believing anyone blindly.

But let's begin with the easiest of the questions you raised:

They give me no reason.
Scientists give you no reason to believe them? Well, how about they possess knowledge you don't, just as you might possess knowledge they don't?

I don't know what you do for a living, but it doesn't really matter for the sake of this argument. Whether you're a lawyer or a plumber, don't you think you should be entitled to greater authority in your field of expertise than someone who's no lawyer or plumber?

@Junglejim is a pilot. Who should call the shots if the flying of an airplane were the task at hand – him or someone that's never flown before? Evidently that's not to say you should throw caution and common sense out of the window. Obviously I'd question our pilot friend here even at 40,000 ft in the air if he advocated flying us into the side of a mountain.

As for governments, that's a very tricky subject. Politicians are occupied in the business of being biased towards their own gains and their constituencies' gains. Yet even I – being thoroughly frustrated by my government – wouldn't defy its authority based on my antipathy alone.

(Or worse, on some foggy notion of little ol' me being generally better informed than officials who have intelligence services and scientific advisory boards supplying them with information.)

The problem with such a behaviour is that in democracies, governments are elected by popular majority. At least on paper, there's a direct link between the government and its voters. Defying the government without a very good reason (e.g. to protect your freedoms if no other remedy is available) means rejecting the majority's right to plot the country's course. Ultimately, it's tantamount to the rejection of democracy itself.

If I became one of those clowns who walk about yelling "XYZ is not my president", how could I expect the aforesaid president's voters to respect my side's president in the event of a change of government?

I couldn't.

Lastly, the objectivity of the media is obviously corrupted by political and economic considerations. By the way, in this day and age with its heavy political polarisation, the supremacy of economic motives is often overlooked. I'd wager any sum you like that if Donald Trump somehow managed to fall out of favour with the American right, Fox News would be the first to rip him a new one. Why? Because they want to earn money.

That aside, I'd suggest for you you're taking the easy way out if you just fall back on the untenable position the media sell nothing but fake news. Not even propagandist platforms like Breitbart or Young Turks match that description – as a matter of fact, their reports are more often right than wrong, albeit heavily distorted by a political spin.

But as much as I lament the state of the media, I don't quite understand the holy wrath displayed by some of you – particularly those who mainly consult media outlets who finance themselves by way of ad revenues and don't even charge you for their (questionable?) services.

If a stranger approached you on the street and told you that X, Y and Z had just happened, would you believe them right away? No, you'd seek out other sources of information and make up your own mind. If one accesses a multitude of sources, it's surprisingly easy to get an accurate picture of the world even today.

But that too is, apparently, too much to ask from some people. They'd rather retreat behind the cozy walls of weird blogs or dive into the echo chambers of Youtube comment's sections to put all their trust in folks who've got no reason – none at all! – to be an iota more truth-loving than ordinary journalists.

Undeniably the news are fraught with hoaxes, false reports and political spin-doctoring. But it genuinely seems to me that most people who accuse the media of spreading fake news could give a toss about the truth. They don't oppose lies. They only oppose reporting they disagree with, untruthful or otherwise.

That, too, is in my opinion a negative side-effect of the West's radical individualism. The processes I wrote about earlier turn us all into little narcissists. Only a narcissist would feel personally offended or threatened by divergent opinions.

At any rate… we don't know everything, we can't do everything, and we can't be everywhere. As such, we require sources of information, experts to advise us and representatives to govern the country in our stead. That's not subservience but the truth, plain and simple. Neither is this to say it's an ideal form of society and government. But it's a hell of a lot better than anything that's ever been attempted before.
you've checked all their bank accounts?
You are right, for example those "3%" that don't believe that global warming is man made, might not be paid at all. Or those that are saying the Sphinx of Egypt is at least 5000 years older than what is thought in the class room of schools worldwide.
Scientists give you no reason to believe them?
You missed a word i wrote, i said "blindly".
Scientific circles are like a sect, you have to adhere to their ideas to even get a chance to get in and be one of their own.
Just look how many times a scientist has been ridicules by their peers for years, only to be proven right after they died.
Whether you're a lawyer or a plumber, don't you think you should be entitled to greater authority in your field of expertise than someone who's no lawyer or plumber?
So if i am a crappy lawyer or plumber i am superior and have the last word ? All jobs, of any kind, have a lot of incompetent people. That is a byproduct of socialism.

PS: i don't blindly believe in science or religion, just to be clear on that.
If a stranger approached you on the street and told you that X, Y and Z had just happened, would you believe them right away? No, you'd seek out other sources of information and make up your own mind. If one accesses a multitude of sources, it's surprisingly easy to get an accurate picture of the world even today.

The most common situation is:
1. There is a problem / perceived problem
2. Most people realize they have no expertise on the subject and wait for guidance
3. There is discussion among experts A, B, C and D
4. Government makes a decision and backs it up with expert opinion A
5. Expert opinions B, C and D are released on the medias, new and old (press, youtube etc.)
6. People who have no expertise on the subject also have expertise / time to verify any of these opinions ---> they pick the one that suits their own outlook or personality

Sometimes the opposing experts even write petitions for government: https://translate.google.fi/transla...avirus/a/18b369fa-8eaa-488f-8b88-ea4e5ee3436f

It's a natural consequence of an egalitarian society with open information. In such society people are not going to believe one professor over another, just because he was part of a government work group.

Of course societies with clear chain of command are going to fare better in this kind of special situation where society should be working for a single goal such as pandemic, wartime.

But in normal operation, where there are as many goals as there are people (which makes top-down approach very inefficient) this kind of open society is going to fare better, which I think is fairly clear from the record.

The worst fear for me in this crisis is that we would start to draw wrong conclusions about our whole economic system and start modifying it from "lessons learned". What we should learn from this is that: governments should concentrate on preparing for those instances where they work better than free market. And people should stop electing people who "will increase the pensions by 100€ if you vote for us!".
It's pretty telling that the same people who have called themselves the "Resistance" for the last few years (specifically in the US, mind you), are the same people who are cowering in their homes and snitching on their neighbors for going on walks by themselves. Of course this is a generalization, but it's far from a false statement.

The way the goalposts have moved regarding the "lock downs" and their purpose, show us how willing people are to become "sheep."

Ultimately we need to gather our information from multiple sources and think for ourselves. But I am afraid that largely, this is not going to happen. I'm afraid for our society and how easily manipulated the population can be. Everyone has an agenda. Only so many of us are willing to filter what we see, hear, and believe.

So no, I'm not optimistic.

And please, let me say that I think the current situation is serious and measures need to be taken. I just find a lot of problems with state governments' measures. At the beginning and now 2+ months in.
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Ultimately we need to gather our information from multiple sources and think for ourselves. But I am afraid that largely, this is not going to happen. I'm afraid for our society and how easily manipulated the population can be. Everyone has an agenda. Only so many of us are willing to filter what we see, hear, and believe.

So no, I'm not optimistic.

I beg to disagree, the availibilty of the internet has made available of multiplicity of sources that live for some not by the knowledgeability of their editors but by how their content fits the only agenda that some are ready to accept.

You can find sources saying 9/11 was a government inside job, you can find sources saying the virus is a hoax, you have sources saying Donald Trump meddled in Ukraine, and sources saying Barrack Obama was not born in the USA.

These sources exist because they have many "customers" who stop looking once they found the uninformed opinion they had to start with.

That's why there's so much stupid
I beg to disagree, the availibilty of the internet has made available of multiplicity of sources that live for some not by the knowledgeability of their editors but by how their content fits the only agenda that some are ready to accept.

You can find sources saying 9/11 was a government inside job, you can find sources saying the virus is a hoax, you have sources saying Donald Trump meddled in Ukraine, and sources saying Barrack Obama was not born in the USA.

These sources exist because they have many "customers" who stop looking once they found the uninformed opinion they had to start with.

That's why there's so much stupid
You're not wrong about these things. But when I say I'm not optimistic about the general public, I guess I'm referring to their voting habits and general action. Sure, all kinds of people hold all kinds of beliefs. But as a whole, what is society going to look like? Not something I'm going to readily like, personally.
You're not wrong about these things. But when I say I'm not optimistic about the general public, I guess I'm referring to their voting habits and general action. Sure, all kinds of people hold all kinds of beliefs. But as a whole, what is society going to look like? Not something I'm going to readily like, personally.

People have to remember that they can be wrong even if they wanted very strongly to be right.

That gets harder because of the multiplication of sources.
People have to remember that they can be wrong even if they wanted very strongly to be right.

That gets harder because of the multiplication of sources.
Absolutely. I have found myself there numerous times in the past. We all just need to accept when we find ourselves wrong, and be willing to keep learning the truth.
These sources exist because they have many "customers" who stop looking once they found the uninformed opinion they had to start with.

That's why there's so much stupid
I remember "the good old days" when Romania had one TV station, a few newspapers and a radio station ALL of them controlled by the state(communist government).
Wonder why people turned to Radio Free Europe for some real news ? Or watched Bulgarian and Serbian TV stations(where and when there was reception) or why they smuggled in VHS tapes of capitalist movies.
Up to the end of the eighties. No doubt the communist controlled media was awful. But noone believed it so there was´nt much harm done: they were more competent in hiding info rather than convincing anyone of their message.

So if you switch from the communist media to itsallaconspiracy.com and you like what you found, you did´nt make any progress although you have a choice. Before you did´nt know anything, and then you´re sure you know everything.

The multiplication of sources is an opportunity or a curse. I prefer the variety but it requires people to be ready to challenge their beliefs.
Man, what a dumb bastard I was.

-The Cult of St. Floyd is burning down our cities and everyone and their mom praising them for it.
-Children are screaming and reporting their parents for not drinking the koolaid.
-Supposed medical experts are encouraging crowded protests despite claiming mere hours before that the Coronavirus will end us all.
-Statues, memorials, and priceless artifacts are getting destroyed by brainwashed hordes.
-Police and military are bending the knee and further humiliating themselves to rioters.
-A cop who acted with proper self-defense is now being charged with murder because he shot a drunk asshole who stole as well as aimed his taser.
-Despite all the lefty support for the riots, the right wingers are being fingered as the instigators.
-Constant empty virtue signalling from every mega-corporation, no matter how many times their stores are attacked and set ablaze.
-People who dare defend their properties are labeled as terrorists.
-Cities losing control of entire city blocks to Antifa LARPers getting more enraged over social media tweets instead of their local insurgencies.
-Not pledging complete devotion to the Cult gets you labeled a Nazi and you lose your reputation, job, and family.
-Cities defunding and abolishing their police agencies.
-A political and judicial system where one side are ravenous wolves marching in unison and the other side are a bunch of cowards who always take it raw.
-Civil war on the horizon all over $10.

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Man, what a dumb bastard I was.

-The Cult of St. Floyd is burning down our cities and everyone and their mom praising them for it.
-Children are screaming and reporting their parents for not drinking the koolaid.
-Supposed medical experts are encouraging crowded protests despite claiming mere hours before that the Coronavirus will end us all.
-Statues, memorials, and priceless artifacts are getting destroyed by brainwashed hordes.
-Police and military are bending the knee and further humiliating themselves to rioters.
-A cop who acted with proper self-defense is now being charged with murder because he shot a drunk asshole who stole as well as aimed his taser.
-Despite all the lefty support for the riots, the right wingers are being fingered as the instigators.
-Constant empty virtue signalling from every mega-corporation, no matter how many times their stores are attacked and set ablaze.
-People who dare defend their properties are labeled as terrorists.
-Cities losing control of entire city blocks to Antifa LARPers getting more enraged over social media tweets instead of their local insurgencies.
-Not pledging complete devotion to the Cult gets you labeled a Nazi and you lose your reputation, job, and family.
-Cities defunding and abolishing their police agencies.
-A political and judicial system where one side are ravenous wolves marching in unison and the other side are a bunch of cowards who always take it raw.
-Civil war on the horizon all over $10.

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No where left to go HRH , politically anyway . This is what happens when the people in power don't respect democracy and act in a bi partizan manner which has pretty much screwed middle America . I hope things sort themselves out but until the Dems and republicans are put to rest because both have failed America in equal measure I don't see much changing in the short term .
I would like to point out that likewise the 2000s, the 2020s aren’t starting off on a very good note.
No where left to go HRH , politically anyway . This is what happens when the people in power don't respect democracy and act in a bi partizan manner which has pretty much screwed middle America . I hope things sort themselves out but until the Dems and republicans are put to rest because both have failed America in equal measure I don't see much changing in the short term .
Yeah, middle America gets screwed, urban America gets burned down, and rural America gets forgotten.

Our nation and society is decaying and there's nothing nobody can do about it.
Yeah, middle America gets screwed, urban America gets burned down, and rural America gets forgotten.

Our nation and society is decaying and there's nothing nobody can do about it.

Just wait till people start getting thrown out of their houses for non payment of rent / mortgage due to COVID by the million . Of course everyone will be up in arms at trump and the republicans but what will be forgotten is that Obama laid the groundwork for this behaviour post 2008 . 5 million families got thrown out of their homes thanks to Barack , the irony being that it was mainly people of colour who got hit the hardest but the media will twist it otherwise . Like I said earlier both parties are done in my opinion ....
Maybe just maybe, you guys need to get out of your echo chambers. Turn off the TV, go outside and look at what the rest of your societies are doing. hell even online you can see protestors cleaning up their cities, cops standing by with the people they serve, and people just being people trying to help out their communities. If you are thinking that the next revolution is just right around the corner, then I am sorry you are no better than the people you are criticizing or hate... you are eating up what the media with their own biases and interests feed you.

Be brave enough to get out of the cages you put your minds into and you will see that society and this planet is actually safer than you can imagine.
Actually JungleJim, I've come to the realization that our society is breaking down; however, that's alright.

Living a peaceful and productive life under the full expectation that the times are unlikely to turn around is more healthy than a life constantly under siege and anxiety over something that is lost or will be lost.

But in the off-chance our society pulls itself out from the gutter of decay and stupidity then I'll be pleasantly and happily surprised.

I once had a discussion with an American, pretty much a right-winger although in no way alt-right.

He’s had the opportunity to visit Europe and met many Europeans of very diverse backgrounds.

His opinion was to put things bluntly; that while the Eastern Euros were for the most part educated, intelligent and well-mannered, most of Western Euros have been dumbing down at a rapidly and worrying rate.

It’s maybe a broad generalization to make, but if the French, Brits and Germans actually bothered to read classic of our own literature from centuries ago, instead of being the “Netflix and chill” and UberEats generation, there would still be a bit of hope for this part of the continent.

Alas, we are not carrying the torch of civilization anymore. Antifa to name them are mostly rich whiteys teens with little to do other than throwing bricks at cops and not to worry about their future as their boomers parents worked hard and are relatively well off.

I highly doubt things will improve here and for our neighboring countries.

And please, let’s not blame migrants and refugees for our misfortune as it’s blatant alt-right propaganda, of which their “members” probably drink their face off and spend their welfare privilege like that.

The refugees crisis is certainly an issue in Europe, but it’s too easy to put the blame on them for the decadence of our society. Same observation can be made in urban America, Portland, San Fran.

If there’s still a glimmer of hope, it’s East of Berlin and Geneva.