Warfare Battle of Egyptian Navy-House HQ.. stopped the Anglo-French advancing southward

Dr.Yahia Al Shaer

Mi Sergeant
MI.Net Member
Sep 14, 2020
The battle of the Egyptian Navy House building (Naval HQ),
prevented Anglo-French Advancing Southwards

to Ismaelia, Suez and Cairo
is an honorable fact ... !!!!!

Shame, that Egypt forgets and ignores it ... ???


The battle of the Egyptian Navi House building (Naval HQ), prevented Anglo-French Advancing Southwards
Please note (and accept my apoligies) , for some of the comming topic, had been translated by Google.
Shall try as much as possible, to modify and correct their lines.

The Anglo-French War is characterized by the fact that, the Egyptian Naval forces were the first units that confronted the French-Israeli navy in the battle of the destroyer Ibrahim I and the bombing of the Israeli port of Haifa in the Mediterranean Sea on 30th October 1956.

The egyptian, Naval School-Frigate "Damietta", has attacked the British Heavy Battleship "New-Foundland!" in the waters at the enterance of Aqaba "Red See Arm, to Eilat" opposite to "Shatrm El-Sheikh" near to Tiran and Sanafir
islands at the south of Sinai Penunsila.

These details have been published previously ... But there is a battle which details of which are still unknown ...
and contributed to many hours HALT of advacing the Anglo-French troops southwards ( prior to the in effect
of the UN imposed cease fire resolution)

It was a decisive battle in which 132 naval soldiers held out for 32 hours ... which ultimately led to the failure of the Anglo-French invasion campaign ... and the failure of Musketeer's War plan.

The great battle of Navy House, which is more in its military and strategic value, than the value of the steadfastness of our forces in the famous battle of Abu Ajila against the Israeli Troops ....... Why ... ???

I do not exaggerate ... and let the facts speak about the battle of defending, Egyptian small weapons in the Navy House building... is an honorable fact and a historical epic that we still forget and further ignore

So ... I decided to publish today ... and here ... some of the real details ... contained in the pages of my book ...
and my private Internet Sites ...

Those are the only ones ... that publish theee details so far ...

The details of a that battle show that ... when God gave us victory, we were not capable to maintain or preserve it.

It is a battle that honors every navy soldier ... and raises the head high, of the armed forces and the soldiers of the Egyptian naval forces ...

In fact, the battle of the Egyptian Navy Soldiers in the Navy House HQ, isa n unknown historical tournament recognized by our then enemy (Britain) and is ignored by Egypt.... WHY ????

The Battle of the Navy House, in which all the HQ 132 soldiers, officers and personnel, had a major impact on disrupting the conduct of Operation Musketeer according to the temporary planning set for it.

The British deploy Eight "Sea Hawk" fighter jets to attack the building withrockets

The British were forced to deploy, eight "Sea Hawk" fighter jets from the two British aircraft carriers (the Bulwark and the Eagle) early the next morning (Wednesday 07 November 1956), despite the command CIC decision to avoid firing on the building with rockets , during the raids that lasted 10 minutes

All the British commanders, especially Chief Air Marshal Sir David Lee,documents this fact in his book "Wings in the Sun The Story of the Royal British Air Force in the Mediterranean 1945-1986 (41)"

What did the British say ... about the battle ... ???

Unfortunately, and as well painful, that this battle of the Navy Hous HQ, Building did not win its historical value
and right in Egypt, despite the fact of, the British admission in all published books on the Battle of Port Said,

"... that the Battle of the Navi House and the resistance of the 130 Marines were among the toughest and fiercest battles that the English commandos faced. Rather, the British praised the courage of the fighters. The Egyptians and due to their bravery in stopping the advance of their forces and achieving the goals set and laid upon them.... for twenty hours of fierce fighting, and that the battle of the Nave Building has to win its historic right due to the fierce defense of the Navy, which is part of the Egyptian Armed Forces ....

This is how the enemy ... the British ... recognizes us ...

All the books and documents published on the Battle of Port Said record that the Egyptian naval forces in the Navi House building were able to confront all attempts by the Royal Commandos to infiltrate into the Navi House building to close the British communication link between the 40th Battalion and the 42nd Royal Commandos to head south on the road to Ismailia.

All this led to delaying the implementation of the objectives of the military campaign for a total period of up to thirty-two hours, and thus hindered and disrupted the implementation of the military campaign according to its planning, and ultimately to the failure of the military campaign to implement its main objective.

In the end, Samad led 132 (one hundred and thirty-two) soldiers and officers from the Egyptian Navy who were stationed and held in the Navi House building to save the Republic of Egypt, toppling the British Prime Minister, and of course the British and French colonies in the end.

And I do not exaggerate, when I insist on my position, that the steadfastness of the Marines is the only factor that led to the failure of the Anglo-French military aggression and that it saved the Republic of Egypt from the occupation and setback, and President Gamal Abdel Nasser ..... !!!!!

And as proof of the courage of the Egyptian navy, I direct your attention to Clause 15 on the fifth page of the confidential report document sent by the British government envoy delegated from the British House of Commons to the British Foreign Office and found in the ministry's file No. FO 371/118919, that the British had used tanks to attack the Navi building House in view of the fierce resistance that the marine commando faced while two hubs were used to attack the rest of the city, meaning that the resistance of the Egyptian Marines in the Navi House building required the British to use one third of their forces their tanks in the city and use missiles to attack the building, while the remaining two thirds remained to attack the rest of the city.

Unfortunately, the governor did not at the time request the participation of the naval forces in reviewing the entry of the Egyptian forces into the city after the Anglo-French forces left Porthead and Port Fouad, and who preceded it.

The direct results of the Egyptian naval base battle in the Navi House building

Among its direct results was the resistance of 123 Egyptian freedom soldiers ... They held a sit-down ... and held out ... and resisted the British advance with its tanks ... not only disrupting, but stopping the advance of their forces to meet the French forces in Al-Raswa and the rapid advance from there towards Ismailia, Suez and Cairo

1 - Resistance from the 40th Commando Royal Marine Corps, supported by the Type 4 Centurion tanks

2 - Preventing their advance south to keep the soldiers of the 40th Battalion Royal Marine Commando, who were supported by the Type 4 Centurion tanks

3 - Preventing the meeting between British soldiers and tanks of the Brigade and the soldiers of the Third Brigade, the British paratroopers, to march together to the south in the direction of Al-Raswa and advance in the direction of Cairo

4 - A full resistance battle for a period of 32 hours, in which tanks, missiles, air strikes and 106 mm anti-recoilless cannons were used that the British borrowed from the stores of the Atlantic alliance several weeks before the start of the battle (the truth is caliber 105 mm)

5- It also prevented the battle of the Navi House building, enabling British ships to enter the dock in front of the building dock, and also preventing ships to land heavy equipment and unloading British and French equipment ... on the docks of the inner dock ...

6 - Advancing their tanks and armored vehicles in combat formations in the south in order to occupy Qantara, Ismailia and Suez, and to achieve the goals placed on them

7 - The championship of its members who were stationed in the Naval Corps base building located in the former Navi House building stopped the advance of the British forces (Royal Marine Commandos, 40th Battalion, 45th Brigade, and the Santorian Tank Platoon) in fierce battles that lasted for a period of (32) thirty two hours

8 - The meeting of the British offensive forces and their armored vehicles coming from the beach side disrupted the meeting with the French paratroopers that landed in the Raswa area and the water station and prevented the ring around Port Said from being closed and encircled.

The end result of this historic battle:

The steadfastness of the naval forces and their defense of the Navi House led to the following negative consequences for the implementation of war plans against the Republic of Egypt

A - The failure and refutation of the Anglo-French plans

B - causing confusion in the timing of their plans to invade Egypt ...

The British were unable to unload their heavy military vehicles in the aforementioned basins,meanwhile, the French were able to enter the "Fishermen Basin, situated prior to the sunken sips, at the enterance of the Waterway opposite to the city. Also they were able to use the other Docks in Port Fouad and on the easetern side of the waterway .

The inability of the British and French to dock and land their heavy military equipment in the Abbas Basin andi
the customs basins was serious obstruction for many days.

- The inability of the British to land their soldiers, who are to participate in advancing wars, occupying the canal,
and advancing towards Cairo, after their large ships were parked in the Abbas Basin and the deep customs basins

The British and French were unable to park LCT, LST or LHT heavy military equipment ships
- Destroyer Meon, the floating center of the General Stockwell Command of the Joint Ground Forces, disrupted
the corner on the al-Jawd pier
- Not allowing other destroyers to stop there for several days either

C - Delaying the meeting of the Anglo-French forces in the south and achieving the siege of the city

D - Obstructing the advance of the Anglo-French forces to the south towards Cairo for a period of 32 full hours, achieving the Musketeer war plan to attack Cairo and trying to overthrow the Egyptian national government and trying to arrest President Gamal Abdel Nasser or assassinate him and appoint a government subordinate to them.

E - To stop the meeting of Anglo-French forces in the south and to advance south to Ismailia and Suez
Obstructing the advance to Qantara, Ismailia, and the southwestern branch to Cairo
- To stop the advance to the south and the capture of Qantara
- To stop the advance to the south and the capture of Ismailia
- To stop the advance to the south and the seizure of Suez

G - The failure of the investigation to seize the Suez Canal and control the shipping course of the Suez Canal
J - Preventing the international declaration of the region and removing it from under Egyptian national control ....

Negative impact & results for the coalition and the Anglo-French military leadership

Moreover, that battle caused signs of a deep split and disagreement between the British military leadership and the very (British General Hugh Stockwell) responsible for all the joint Anglo-French ground forces and the French military commanders, especially General (Jacques Masso) responsible for the operations of the French forces ...

These differences lie in the following points, whose results began to appear clear to us in Port Said, and the Egyptian General Intelligence Department sent daily wireless reports (Lieutenant Farag Mohamed Farag via the wireless device hidden in our house ... Yahya al-Shaer, and see the links below "#" for continuation and clarification for each From the following topics ... in order to avoid repetition, branching, branching and amplifying the topic)

1 - The introduction of disagreement and division between the joint Lia command of the British and French forces, which affected the forces and units of both countries and negatively affected their morale.

2 - The increase in the division between General Stockwell and French General Andre Bouffer

3 - Increasing dissension between the Joint Anglo-French War Staff Command

4 - Increasing the difference between French General Jacques Massou and his high command, especially General Andre Bouffer

5 - Entering the division between Hannal Keetley, the mine commander of the campaign, and Vice Admiral Bayou

6 - The expansion of the division and its reflection at the political level between Ido and Mawlé

7 - The expansion of the division and its reflection on the military level between the French and Israeli forces

All this led to a delay of implementation for a period of thirty two hours, and consequently it hindered the implementation of the military campaign as planned, and ultimately to the failure of the military campaign to implement its main goal.

In the end, Samad led 132 (one hundred and thirty-two) soldiers and officers of the Egyptian Navy who stationed and stood in the Navi House building to save the Republic of Egypt and toppled the British Prime Minister

I am neither arrogant nor exaggerated when I mention that the steadfastness of the Marines are the only factor that led to the military failure of the Anglo-French War and that it saved the Republic of Mosler from the occupation and setback

So why do we forget and ignore the battle of the soldiers of Al Qaeda in the Egyptian Navy in the Navi House building ??

Therefore, this historical correction must be necessary and preserved, as it shows the heroes and martyrs of the Egyptian navy in their confrontation with the British aggression, the hostile force.

One of the British tanks sees "Centurion 4" in front of the customs building as it advances to surround Miny from the northwestern side after it broke through the customs wall coming from the eastern extension of Kesra Street during the heroic customs battles, while it is on its way to surround the Egyptian naval base building in the "Navi House" and sees the back in the back Resulting from ejaculation and in the carp ...

The gun firing had reached the point where the military had called it a blind spot POINT BLANK As the target is hit for sure due to its close proximity to the cannon

Tuesday 6th. and Wednesday 7th. November 1956 ...
The second and third days of the fighting

Against over three thousand Yricanian soldiers (parachutes and Royal Marine Commando Soldiers) and over forty Centurion Tanks and LVT Buffalo Soldiers

The British advance met his tanks ... and the soldiers of the 40th Battalion Royal Marine, which were supported by the Type 4 Centurion tanks ... and prevented them from advancing south to stay with the soldiers of the 40th Commando Royal Marine, who were supported by the Type 4 Centurion tanks, and the soldiers of the Third Battalion, the British paratroopers, to march together to the south in Toward Raswa and advance towards Cairo

Thursday, November 8, 1956 ...

Only eleven soldiers ... are the remaining heroic soldiers ... !!!!! ..

Their Centurion 4 tanks, upon their descent to the beach, destroyed the log cabins, before setting them ablaze, while one of them "See the camouflage paint" khaki managed to advance after crossing the shore in an attempt to crawl south to the Treaty Road.

The British began to unload their equipment and soldiers ...Executed, the danger of resisting the Egyptian Marines, who held out In the building of the Egyptian naval base and ambushed to kill them

He sees the effects of the bombs on the facade of the building

The queue of the French Dayaat watched the road leading to Al-Raswa (south) standing in front of the walls of the Hamrik area and the basins near the Nafi House building, and they could not advance, and a tank commander watched with the most binoculars the course of the fighting until he advanced and met the British

All this ... on the afternoon of Friday, November 16, that is, after ten days have passed
On the start of the offensive invasion of Port Said

The advance and march of British forces southwards to join the waiting French Troops in Raswa, was prevented
as an immediate result and impact of the of the Navi House Battle / fighting... Consequentlly, The Anglo-French Troops, were not able to advance southward to Ismaelia, Suez and Cairo to topple Nasser and the Egyptian regime.

The French celebrated ... the display of their AMX-13 tanks in front of the port ...

The column of French tanks, showing the "victors" in the Sharif Basin area, and noticing the French command ship docked on the dock, and in the back are two British passenger ships used to transport soldiers

Supplement and explanation ( Separate detailed topics will be published later, )

1 - (Hiding the wireless device in the house of Yahya Al-Shaer to contact the Presidency of the Republic and General Intelligence)

2 - (Specifications of the huge wireless device in Port Said to contact the Presidency and General Intelligence)

3 - (Radio hero of the General Intelligence ... First Lieutenant (Brigade H) Faraj Muhammad Faraj Othman)

4- The Egyptian destroyer "Ibrahim" bombed the port of Haifa prior to being captiured by Isreael`s Navy)

5-The Egyptian frigate "Damietta" attacks the British battleship "Newfoundland" and sank. The story
and photos

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The Navi House building after it was bombed by British air force 1956

Britain bought it and allocated it as a center for its naval fleets, and it was renamed (Marine House or Navi House)
British forces were evacuated in implementation of the evacuation treaty, and the last British soldier departed from it on June 18, 1954
The Egyptian Armed Forces took that building (the Navy House or the Navi House) as a headquarters for the Egyptian Navy

  • _ When the tripartite aggression against Egypt to release October 29, 1956 AD, after President Gamal Abdel Nasser decided to secure the Suez Canal Company, an Egyptian joint stock company on July 26, 1956 AD, British and French forces invaded Port Said and the largest invading force was the British forces, and among its priorities was the seizure. On this building , the British forces bombed this building during the tripartite aggression on Port Said and raised their flag on it

The Anglo-French Invasion 1956



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Engineering plan for the construction of the Dutch Commercial Center (Navi House)


Dr. Yahia Al Shaer

Dr. Yahia Al Shaer

A "summary" excerpt from my book
The other side of the medal, Suez War 1956,
Secrets of the Secret Resistance in Port Said

Written by Yahya Al-Shaer

Second edition 2006
Extended edition

Deposit No. 1848 2006
ISIN ISBN 977 - 08 - 1245 - 5 [/ QUOTE]

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