Politics A Young Lass Heckled for taking

At 13 she like Greta has no valid opinion on anything, they are like mushrooms fed on horse S**t and continue to Sprout(shout) away!!!!
At 13 she like Greta has no valid opinion on anything, they are like mushrooms fed on horse S**t and continue to Sprout(shout) away!!!!

Well you could argue us adults are exactly the same . More exploitation for me all this using children to articulate a political point . Maybe the child has a valid political viewpoint , but it still takes an adult to stick them on stage in front of a mike and cameras .
Well you could argue us adults are exactly the same . More exploitation for me all this using children to articulate a political point . Maybe the child has a valid political viewpoint , but it still takes an adult to stick them on stage in front of a mike and cameras .

There is a very good reason why the age of 18 is used as a marker for determining such things as the right to vote, drink alcohol, drive a car etc..etc..
This 13 y.o. and Greta are tools, easily manipulated, and used to get other in the same age group involved in the theater of politics etc.. etc..
This 13 y.o. and Greta are tools, easily manipulated, and used to get other in the same age group involved in the theater of politics etc.. etc..

There's nothing wrong with that behaviour , that someone young may have an opinion and try to persuade others ..............but it has to be peer to peer . That adults are interfering to gather future votes , or influence is not particularly healthy and will merely sow the seeds of more division .
The difference between that girl and Greta is the former articulates an opinion whereas the latter articulates demands. How well thought-out a teenager's opinion could hope to be might be debatable, but I'd also say this: Climate change and what to do about it is a matter infinitely more complicated than whether or not you're good with the concept of injecting a fetus with a poison and crushing its skull with surgical instruments.

One is a matter heatedly discussed by nobel laureates, almost to no avail; the other is a question of 'yes' or 'no' even a teenager should be able to answer. And yes, it really is that simple.

Feminists claiming abortion is an inalienable human right are full of S**t. None in their sane mind argue rape victims or mothers whose health is at risk should not have the option of an abortion. But these cases are rare. Most abortions are carried out for the most selfish of reasons. We chide people who abandon pets they'd bought without thinking it through; how come we can't chide people who're so irresponsible they can't be arsed to buy a condom?
Feminists claiming abortion is an inalienable human right are full of S**t. None in their sane mind argue rape victims or mothers whose health is at risk should not have the option of an abortion. But these cases are rare. Most abortions are carried out for the most selfish of reasons. We chide people who abandon pets they'd bought without thinking it through; how come we can't chide people who're so irresponsible they can't be arsed to buy a condom?
My opinion in a nutshell there @muck

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