
Pro-Axis Poster

A poster supporting the Axis side and showing Japanese Zero-Sen aircrafts bombing allied positions.This and other similar posters were put over all cities of Bengal especially current day Dhaka,but the ruling British East-India Company strictly took action against it.Only a very few remain intact and are preserved in museums.
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Despite being under controlled by the British,most of the Bengali population actually supported the axis side in the war.There are many reasons for it,but its most probably because of the atrocies committed by the East India Company.Bengalis also thought that the Japanese would liberate them from British rule and would treat them better than the British did.Also,our ancestors hoped the axis to cripple the British capabilities and use this chance to take up arms against them.

After the news of Axis conquests reached to South Asia,people were much more eager and excited to get rid of the British.Everywhere people were putting such posters and banners to show support for the axis,eventually ending up being suppressed by the British and persecuted.
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Note : There are two sentences in the poster,one in Hindi and another in Bengali.They both translate into "Destruction to England and America" and this sparked hatred and anger amongst the British.

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World War Two
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388.3 KB
600px x 866px

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