Photos Yugoslav Wars

I'm not a big debater & seems to be theres a lot of that here. I just like checking out the cool pics & sharing mine when I got time. With all due respect brother I disagree with you on a few things, but alls good?
??God bless!??
Koridor 1992
Celebrating the arrival of NATO troops in front of a Challenger tank, Kosovo 1999
The sole survivor of a massacre finds his home in ruins after the Bosnian army recaptured his village from Serb forces in the fall of 1995. He is standing on what is believed to be a mass grave of sixty-nine people, including his family.
U.S. Army soldier communicates with his headquarters as another soldier monitors the radio while on a security patrol near the town of Sljoke, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on Jan. 16, 1996, during Operation Joint Endeavor. The soldiers are patrolling the area in a M3-A2 Bradley Fighting Vehicle as part of the NATO Implementation Force (IFOR). The troops are deployed from the 1st Cavalry, Budingen, Germany.
The sole survivor of a massacre finds his home in ruins after the Bosnian army recaptured his village from Serb forces in the fall of 1995. He is standing on what is believed to be a mass grave of sixty-nine people, including his family.

The picture was used as the cover for Tony Lloyd's My War Gone By, I Miss It So. A good read on the madness of the Bosnia war and his concurrent transition from peacetime infantry officer to junkie journalist.
Soldiers of the Croatian National Guard (ZNG) placed on overwatch duty above the besieged town of Dubrovnik ready to alert the Coastal Defense for any approaching warships of the Yugoslavia Peoples Navy during the early months of the War for Independence; southern Croatia, late 1991

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