Quote/Poem UBIQUE by Rudyard Kipling


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Jan 21, 2002
Ubique, the Latin word for "everywhere" is the motto of the Royal Artillery.
Proper classical Latin pronunciation is "OO-bik-way," though
Kipling probably pronounced it "oo-BIK-we," and
this pronunciation fits the meter of the poem.

Royal Artillery

There is a word you often see, pronounce it as you may--
"You bike,""you bykwee," "ubbikwe"--alludin' to R.A.
It serves 'Orse, Field, an' Garrison as motto for a crest;
An' when you've found out all it means I'll tell you 'alf the rest.
Ubique means the long-range Krupp be'ind the low-range 'ill--
Ubique means you'll pick it up an', while you do, stand still.
Ubique means you've caught the flash an' timed it by the sound.
Ubique means five gunners' 'ash before you've loosed a round.
(Krupp -- German field gun used by the Boers)
Ubique means Blue Fuse, an' make the 'ole to sink the trail.
Ubique means stand up an' take the Mauser's 'alf-mile 'ail.
Ubique means the crazy team not God nor man can 'old.
Ubique means that 'orse's scream which turns your innards cold!
(Blue Fuse - extreme range fuse for a bursting shell
trail -- rear support piece of a gun-carriage
Mauser's 'alf-mile 'ail -- the Boers were famed as long-range marksmen with their Mauser rifles.)

Ubique means "Bank, 'Olborn, Bank - a penny all the way" -
The soothin', jingle-bump-an'-clank from day to peaceful day.
Ubique means "They've caught De Wet, an' now we shan't be long."
Ubique means "I much regret, the beggar's goin' strong!"
('Olborn, Bank -- A London omnibus line
De Wet -- Christiaan De Wet, elusive Boer general
of the guerilla phase of the war.)

Ubique means the tearin' drift where, breech-blocks jammed with mud,
The khaki muzzles duck an' lift across the khaki flood.
Ubique means the dancing plain that changes rocks to Boers.
Ubique means mirage again an' shellin' all outdoors.
(drift -- ford )
Ubique means "Entrain at once for Grootdefeatfontein."
Ubique means "Off-load your guns" - at midnight in the rain!
Ubique means "More mounted men. Return all guns to store."
Ubique means the R.A.M.R. Infantillery Corps.
(Grootdefeatfontein -- Grootfontein was a site on the Groot river
R.A.M.R. -- Royal Artillery Mounted Rifles, formed from artillery companies when mounted infantry were needed.)

Ubique means that warnin' grunt the perished linesman knows,
When o'er 'is strung an' sufferin' front the shrapnel sprays 'is foes;
An' as their firin' dies away the 'usky whisper runs
From lips that 'aven't drunk all day: "The Guns! Thank Gawd, the Guns!"
Extreme, depressed, point-blank or short, end-first or any'ow,
From Colesberg Kop to Quagga's Poort - from Ninety-Nine till now -
By what I've 'eard the others tell an' I in spots 'ave seen,
There's nothin' this side 'Eaven or 'Ell Ubique doesn't mean!
(shrapnel -- bursting shell fragments
Ninety-Nine -- 1899, onset of the Boer War)

Rudyard Kipling
Nice one Bomb!
Believe it or not I didn't even know that existed, I think I will have to do some research.
Must confess buddy, neither did I :? , I fell over it by mistake. Glad I did though.
Cheers tosh :mrgreen:
Sure is :mrgreen:
belated reply eagle I know, but just wanted to bring this cool poem back into the limelight :mrgreen:
Glad ya did, Andy. Well, bad news from my side. The better half is back in the hospital as of today. Don't know what's wrong yet. I know how Derrick must be feeling. :(
Keep yer chin up partner, were here for ya if you need us buddy. :cool:
Thanks, Andy. Got the news this morning. The doctor diagnosed Pneumonia. She's doing fine. :D