Sri Lanka has a far left government believing in central planning and green New Deal stuff.
1- Economy was crippled by lockdownerism, which killed tourism.
2- Years ago the proposed all farmers switched to a 100% organic. No chemical fertilizer, no pesticides, no herbicides, no fungicides, etc... The problem is that they gave no guidance as to how to do this, nor any help to farmers on how to do this. Instead they gave a very short time period to carry out that transfer.
So, you ended up with soil not necessarily amenable to growing things, unless chemical fertilizers were used, being switched to entirely organic.
This is the result of effectively the same kind of doctrine that we are seeing in the US, with the "Green New Deal", and in Europe. In fact it is fundamentally the GND on steroids.
Kind of a warning sign to not go along with all the climate alarmists, the GNDealers, all the AOCs and Greta Thunrbergs. Do not let central planners get involved and keep on farming.
Sri Lanka is a small country, densely populated with a large agrarian sector. And now its government if officially defunct, it is unable to govern. There is no way they can gather the manpower necessary to force the people to do what they want at this time.