Book The subtle art of not giving a f*ck


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Apr 9, 2019
Has anybody read this book which was recommended to me lately? Would you also recommend it?

I only read some excerpts, basically this start of very humorous and you would think it won't get more serious... but it does.

Apparently the whole point isn't to not give a f*ck about all and anything but choosing what you care for. Before I have even read it entirely, it only reinforce my thought on the subject and title: mostly that lately I found that being altruistic (such a pretty word) was BS and most people don't reciprocate, so me-me-me-me has become my new motto.
I have a feeling I should read that book. But what would I be doing with my days afterwards, if I learnt not to give a F***?

A perfect example: The word filter capitalizes coarse words for no good reason whatsoever! What the F***? OCD triggered!
So basically Atlas Shrugged for dummies
Has anybody read this book which was recommended to me lately? Would you also recommend it?

I only read some excerpts, basically this start of very humorous and you would think it won't get more serious... but it does.

Apparently the whole point isn't to not give a f*ck about all and anything but choosing what you care for. Before I have even read it entirely, it only reinforce my thought on the subject and title: mostly that lately I found that being altruistic (such a pretty word) was BS and most people don't reciprocate, so me-me-me-me has become my new motto.

I strongly disagree with that approach.
Why ? because it gives our shitty individualistic (borderline autistic) shitty society.
And in any way, it goes against the social behaviour encoded in our human genes.
I mean, i everybody was on me-me-me roll, there wouldn't be paramedics, firefighters, soldiers, LEOs and any job where you risk basically your life to the benefit of others
There wouldn't be people risking their lives as good samaritans to help other people (or animals for what it matters) in distress.
What is important imo is to find a balance.
A full altruistic behaviour is as stupid as a full self centered one
Good for you. I tried the super altruistic and martyrdom approach for years without much success and I’m much happier now.
Good for you. I tried the super altruistic and martyrdom approach for years without much success and I’m much happier now.
Oh this one
This one is a drag....
But i guess you are not a 100% jerk and aare still ready to help your friends when in need (to a reasonable level)
That's what i call a balanced approach
If everybody was self centered i don't think that friendship, familial relationships and even couple relationships could last very long
Been waiting on my sister to finish with her copy not because the content interests me but because the title gave me a giggle and it's bright colour caught my eye. I don't need to learn to care less you see I just need to remember when I didn't care at all and work my way up from there if my caring was so bothersome.
Balance doesn't exist mentally, anyone who thinks themselves balanced I say show your browser history. People are searching for excuses to be selfish and guides to not giving a damn because they live in a world that would torment them if they got caught on camera being selfish or doing something that was socially unacceptable hence why I think this book is a best seller.