Article The cold war - Soviet Army

So who's next? Valiant artillery, "God of War". The missile forces and artillery of the USSR ground forces are a branch of the ground forces. It was represented by artillery and missile formations and individual units, missile and artillery military units as part of formations, artillery units as part of combined arms units (motorized rifle and tank regiments). The branch of the military had a centralized command and was headed by the Commander of the Missile Forces and Artillery. Organizationally, the clan was divided into military artillery, which was part of formations and formations up to the level of the army, and into the artillery of the Supreme High Command Reserve, which was directly subordinate to the command of military districts.

The gunners' motto: - Artillery is the god of war!
The motto of the air defense missile forces is: - We don't fly ourselves and we don't let others fly!
Strategic Missile Forces motto: - There is silence after us! If we fall asleep, then you may not wake up!


The 9P113 launcher and tracked tractor are preparing to enter positions during the North exercise conducted by the troops of the Leningrad Military District in June 1976


The photo shows one of the missile battalions armed with the 9K52 Luna-M missile system. Such divisions were part of the tank and motorized rifle divisions of the Soviet army. The missile divisions consisted of two missile batteries, as well as command, technical and logistical support units. Each missile battery included two 9P113 self-propelled launchers and 1 9T29 transport-loading vehicle, all on the chassis of ZIL-135 all-terrain vehicles.
For transport needs, the division used a special tracked tractor GT-SM. The use of tracked tractors instead of wheeled all-wheel drive trucks, as well as the replacement of infantry fighting vehicles / armored personnel carriers with MT-LB transporters in motorized rifle units, is typical for divisions of the Leningrad Military District, designed for operations in difficult terrain and severe climatic conditions
The combined-arms exercises of the Soviet troops "Dvina" were held in March 1970, on the territory of the Byelorussian SSR. The exercises involved the troops of the Moscow, Leningrad, Belorussian, Baltic, North Caucasian military districts. The teachings were timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

Tank troops of the USSR are a branch of the Army in the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of the USSR. The troops were the main striking force of the ground forces and a powerful means of armed struggle, designed to solve the most important tasks in various types of military (combat) operations.

Tankmen's motto: - Armor is strong and our tanks are fast! (a reference to the March of Tankers, written in the 30s and sounded in the legendary film "Tractor Drivers"). Armor can only be conquered by the brave!

The unofficial name of the emblem: - I sit in a coffin and manhood in the forehead.
For their emblems on their collar tabs (two tanks directed in different directions), they said about them: "Two eccentrics gathered together and do not know which way to go", "Irons", "In the morning I was in a hurry and tore my tights on the tank - the tanks were on the buttonholes! "

Anecdote about tankers
Tankers are sitting under a tank and repairing a caterpillar. Heat. Suddenly a fairy flies up to them and asks
- What do you do?
- F*** with this, - one tanker replies gloomily.
- Do you really want? - the fairy offers.
- Yes! - the tankers perked up.
The fairy waved her magic wand and the tank's tower fell off...

A Soviet soldier in a OKZK suit (did I write about him or not? I already forgot, damn it). If the Third World War happened with the use of nuclear weapons, then Soviet soldiers would go to the English Channel not with the legendary red shoulder straps, but in these suits. I'll go and fry the meat and sit down to finish writing about the rest of the troops.

And also to the question of the participation of Soviet troops in the filming of films. If you want, I will throw off some more similar photos - for example, from the filming of the movie "They Fought for the Motherland." In 1970, shooting began on the legendary film epic Ozerov "Liberation", for which two dozen "kinotanks" were created - as similar as possible to German tanks. After that, these tanks were filmed in many Soviet films. Personally, I do not like Ozerov's films, but one of them does not hold - they are very large-scale! When up to 200 tanks, thousands of infantrymen, airplanes are shot in one shot, and all this explodes exactly according to the timecode - this is a matter of respect. One of these "Kinotanks" later starred in "Saving Private Ryan".

Automobile troops are special troops in the Armed Forces of the USSR, intended for the transport of personnel, the supply of ammunition, fuel, food and other materiel necessary for the conduct of hostilities, as well as for the evacuation of the wounded, sick and equipment.
In addition, automobile troops can transport troops (forces) that do not have their own vehicles.

Troops motto: "We will drive everywhere and deliver everything!", "Always ready for a throw!"
The unofficial name of the emblem: "I would be glad to fly away, but the wheels are pulling to the ground!", "I want to take off, but the eggs are in the way!"

About themselves army drivers say:
- Any bombing is not terrible for us! (a reference to the song of a front-line driver during the Great Patriotic War)
- Fear the places where children come from!
- Beware of the goat in the front, the donkey in the back, and the military driver from all sides!

I wanted to tell you more about the non-statutory creativity of the soldiers, but just such a beautiful sleeve emblem turned out to be at hand. Soldiers made similar emblems for themselves before demobilization, usually the place of service, military district and the year of demobilization were indicated.


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