soviet army

  1. Bennie

    Photos Soviet Armed Forces

    An Armoured unit of the Carpathian Military District equipped with T-54 tanks and SU-100 self-propelled guns during an exercise,1955
  2. 274387149361193975 (2).jpg

    274387149361193975 (2).jpg

  3. scouts_2


    RKKA scout in camouflage.
  4. scouts_1


    RKKA scouts in camouflage.
  5. Иван Феоктистов

    Article The cold war - Soviet Army

    Приветствую, товарищи. Soviet Army in the Cold War. A detailed story dedicated to the day of the Soviet army. Of course, I am still a newcomer to your forum, but I have already managed to be noted in some discussions - about the Red Army in World War II, the war in Afghanistan, the Cold War...
  6. BravoZulu

    Photos WW2 Soviet Forces

    A battle-worn, pre-Kursk T-34-76 M1942, followed by a much newer T-34-85; Berlin, 1945
  7. Soviet KV-85 tank

    Soviet KV-85 tank

    Artwork of a Soviet KV-85 Kliment Voroshilov tank
  8. T-64_tower


  9. SovietT72UralB4nAfterByFloggerColorizedPhoto


  10. SovietT64AB4nAfterByFloggerColorizedPhotos


  11. Soviet T-72 tanks in its den

    Soviet T-72 tanks in its den

  12. Soviet Matilda tank upside down

    Soviet Matilda tank upside down

  13. 447656


  14. Bombardier

    Photos Russian military

    Following photos courtesy of and are governed by Creative Commons licence Photos show 'Day of the Navy' I love that last photo, the old sailor looks really pleased to be sat next to his president ;)
  15. soldiers


  16. Russian vehicles

    Russian vehicles

  17. Russian vehicles

    Russian vehicles

  18. Destroyed & burning T34 Tank

    Destroyed & burning T34 Tank

  19. Soviet Army WWII In colour

    Soviet Army WWII In colour

  20. Soviet Katyusha "Stalins Organ"

    Soviet Katyusha "Stalins Organ"

    A volley of Soviet rocket launchers "Katyusha" on the approaches to Vyborg